Monday, 15 August 2011

recycle life continues

In my last write up I ended up by stressing the importance of conscience
as indicator of human rights and wrongs.Today I try to discuss on the
actual past and present experiences which human under went through
via an in dept study of the Prophet Yusuf story as related in our Holy Quran
under  chapter 12.

This analysis comes as an aspiration which I gather
through my daily reciting of the Quran for the first two weeks of Holy Ramadan.
I found 25 practical examples of  revealing lessons which can help us achieve
success in life based on religious guidance and inspiration.

Surah Yusuf has111 verses, one of the six surah which begins with the symbol
ALIF,LAM RA which only Allah knows best.The 25 deducted incidents are
narrated through classified versus as arranged in chronological
inspiring sequence.
These 25 universal issues covered are as relevant now as they were
during the Prophet
Yusuf era.Let us look at them observantly and rationally and relate
them to current events.

Issue no one is JEALOUSY. Refer to verse no. 5. It exists and teaches
us how to avoid
its existence. Do not be transparent or show off your acquired Allah
bounty by proudly
announcing them to the world because jealousy is Shyatan's trap.

Issue no two relates to Allah freedom of choosing who his bounty is to
be blessed.
Verse 8 confirmed the choice and this fact should be applied by us in
our life operation
to reduce envy and reduce hatred between ourselves instead of allowing
it to increase.

Issue no three is found in verse 9 where by we as parents should be
respected but at
the same time we should let our children opinion heard and finally how parental
disrespect  becomes a costly affair by creating concocted lies.

Issue no four is described in verses 10 to 18 where the power of
jealousy can incite
killer instincts. Therefore in life try not not to be jealous of
others because the mind
automatically stops functioning once jealousy set in.

Issue no five is being covered under verses 19 to 21 which teaches us
an important
lesson on how to over come pain after losing  your loved one, through patience.
This most important to do is to be patient and ask for Allah help in
time of utter

Issue no six is how Allah mysteriously showers his blessings to those who
stayed closely to their faith in time of hardship.A story which took
place fifteen
hundred years ago where Allah found a way to give hope to a boy thrown in the
well meant to be left and forgotten for ever has remained relevant until today
and that we are urged not to forsake and lose hope in Allah.

Issue no seven refers to verses 22 and 23 which teaches us how to deal with
temptations from committing sin in this life.Seek immediate refuge in
Allah faithfully.

Issue no eight is the fallacy on the notion of success as claimed by
the infidels
and hypocrites. Allah rejects this fallacy when he says " The zalimun
(wrong and evil doers)will never be successful".Therefore stop acting because
it will bring us now here near to success (Tuflihun).

Issue no nine is described succinctly under verses 24 to 32 how a prophet as
much as an ordinary human being are subject to temptation through abuse of
person in authority.In this story Allah teaches us how to deal with such problem
if you face one.This is the most common problems which we are facing today.

Issue no ten is related under verses 33 and 34 on how Allah ultimately
teaches us
to eliminate sin from our lives that is by avoiding to get near to any
to commit sin itself.The prophet prefers to suffer in prison rather
than allowing
his faith to be tested in the battle field of lustful desires.

Issues no ten and eleven are described under verses 35 to 37 and 41 to 50
while verses 38 to 40 is left out being not really relevant to the sequence
of the episode.All of us go through all sort of problems in life and who do
we ask for help? If you want a job you naturally need a cousin or friend
in the company to get help. When you need any thing you ask some
one for a favor.But when Prophet Yusuf (ahs) needed help to get out of jail,
what did he do? He asked somebody to help him out instead of asking,
Allah:"(Shyatan made Yusuf to forget the remembrance of his Lord--Allah
as to ask for His Help,instead of others)."The result was Yusuf stayed
in prison a few more years.Even a prophet is subject to Shyatan temptation
what is so hard for an ordinary human from being tempted by shyatan.

Issue no 12 refers to Yusuf ability to interpret dreams which
described the cyclic nature
of life as confirmed fact,when a 7 years of abundance are followed by
7 years of famine.
This shows that every hard hardship will be followed by a period of ease.

Issue 13 is covered under verses 50 and 51 whereby Allah assured us
that truth shall
prevail over falsehood no matter under what ever condition the truth is tested.

Issues no 14 and 15 are covered by verses 52 ,53 and 54 where in Allah
clarified that
human being are easily subjected to evil influence except those whom
He bestowed His mercy.To earn his Mercy we need to be sincere in
thoughts (heart) and deeds.This is explained by the story of Yusuf as
a boy thrown in the well by his own brothers and then sent to prison
when he is innocent,and finally became the most powerful man on earth
at that time when the king of Egyptian civilization;and say to him
"Verily,this day you are with us high in rank and fully trusted".That
is how the power of faith in Allah works.So never lose hope in Allah's
power no matter how hard may things look at the moment.

Issue no 16 is covered under verses 56 whereby a good Muslim is advised not to
lose his faith even if his life begins to fall apart.The gem of verse
which provide
inspiration and heartwarming message has thus said "We make not to be lost
the reward of Al-Muhsinun."

Issue no 17 is covered by verses 58 to 67 when people lost their love
a child they begin to question the existence of Allah and become possessive.When
Propeht Yakub was again asked by the children who was supposed to have killed
his son to let them have his other son with them, His response was:
"The decision rests
only with Allah. In Him I put my trust and let all those that trust,
put their trust in Him".
This statement should always remind us that the true test of faith of
a Muslim is during
times of hardship and, not ease. Dear brother Muslims and friends how
many of us
can say such thing after losing a love one?

Issue no 18 refers to verses onto the degrees of pleases which Allah
allows to any one.
He said "We raise to degrees whom we please".When we are young we ask
our parents
why my friend has that and i don't and as we become adult we also ask
why some friend
went to school by fancy cars while I have to go by bus home.Now we
even ask why people
less deserving than us earn more than us.All answers to those
questions found in the above saying.

Issue no 19 is covered under verse 77 where malicious lies or gossip
are spread about you
in front of others when you are powerless to stop them for reasons
beyond your control.Once that happened you tned to blow your anger on
your wife and kids.So the answer is PATIENCE. It is easy said than
done right.Well let us see what Prophet Yusuf said to himself to stay
patient: "You are in worst case, and Allah knows best the truth of
what you assert". Then try once or twice if it works on you.

Issue no 20 is covered under verses 78 to 80 wherein we are taught two
important lessons to observe.One is telling us to punish only the one
who actually commits the crime and no
substitution is allowed,Secondly; is the importance of keeping your
word (your word must
by our bond) i.e. not to break promise.This applies to all strata of
society.Do not break
your promise you made to your people instead of working for your self
instead of the people.

Issue 21 covers verses 81 and 83 whereby we are told how Prophet Yakub
dealt with the
agony of losing his son by invoking patience and complete trust in
Allah.So from this lesson we should be able to know how to deal with
injustice against us and still stay sane.

Issue 22 covers verses 84 to 86 which taught us how to suppress our
sorrow by keeping
the anger inside oneself which can cause blindness. Therefore do not
keep anger,sorrow
and frustrations locked up inside.To whom should you therefore
complain, your wife, kids
and friends? Well follow what Prophet Yakub did: "I only complain of
my sorrow to Allah".
You know why ? Allah listen, he sees and he knows and he rewards.Until
then be patient.

Issue 23 is being covered under verse 87 where in the message is sent
both to individual and the community of nation. Millions of Muslims
are losing hopes daily despite what Allah commands us not to loose
hopes and despair of his mercy unless your are disbelievers.You must
remember that real test of Islam is not to believe in the seen,but the

Issue no 24 is covered by verses 88 to 92 whereby Allah stated that
the Muhsinun are
preferred than evil doers. This truth which is universally
acknowledged must be realized
by all Muslims not to be despair at the notion that Islam caused many
failures.This notion must be rejected and that we must heightened our
faith with motivational ease and patience.

Finally issue no 25 is dealth by verses 93 to 111 of the surah which
teaches us to apply
compassion and forgiveness despite all what have been inflicted on by
either your family,friends, neighbors and even at other levels of
society on you previously.Nothing could
have been experience by you any worse than what Prophet Yusuf has
under gone and yet he was prepared to forgive.In this sense
forgiveness is divine while revenge is a satanic curse.By virture of
this article I am urging our Muslim brothers to read more of the
Quranic translations in an attempt for us to learn and under stand
some of the important lessons found therein which we can use as a
source of Mercy and Divine Guidance for us all in our recycle journey
of life. Than you may Allah bless our little contribution.Ameen. DSJ @
7.23 pm on 15/08/2011 kl.

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