Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Miricles of figures in Alquran made easy to understand and appreaciate
The Holy Quran is divided into 30 chapters or sections. The first Surah is the Alfatihah the oft seven repeated verses and is the opening chapter of the Alquran.It consists of 6236 verses.If you add this figure it becomes 17 and the Alfatahah is repeated 17 in Muslim daily prayer.One plus seven is eight and the devils and the angels are mentioned 88 times in the Holy Quran.Eight plus eight is seven and seven is the total verses in the Alfatihah.Can any one say this miraculous equation of figures found in the Quran simply a matter of coincidence or spiritual conjecture or evidence proving that every thing written in this Holy Book is the direct revelation of God ? From here let us look at the following significance of numerical evidences found in the Quran as per tabulation setting:-implying the miracles of numbers found in the Holy Quran.
S/N. Numbers Where they are found in the Quran & Numbers repeated Implied
signification & Universal comments
1. 65 human being mentioned 65 times in the Quran ( Soil -turab ) =17 times;
drops of sperm (nuftah) times; ( Embryo-'alaq' =6 times): half form flesh
(mudghah)= 3 times:Bone('idham)=15 times &
Flesh (lahm)= 12 times : total = 65 times.
2.. 5 the word SALAWAT..command to perform prayer appears 5 times to perform
5 daily prayers.
3. 13 the world land in Quran appears 13 times
28.8888889% of 45
4. 32 the word sea in quran appears 32 times
71.1111111% of 45 ( 13 plus 32) =45.The figures represents the exact
proportions of sea on earth today.
5. 33 the SUN & light (NUR) also appears 33 times words of repetitions
6. 23 man and women also appears 23 times words of repetitions
7. 7 seven heavens( khalaq as -samawat) repeated 7 times dito
8. 365 Day (yawn) & its pluran forms days ( ayyam and yawmayn) together
repeated 30 times shahar (months )
repeated 12 times.
9. 16 Treachery (khiynanah) is repeaated 16 times & foul (khatibth) is also repeated
16 times
10. 26 plants and trees are repeated 26 times in the quran
11. 117 twice repeated becomes 234
12. 332 "say" and "they say" appears 332 times .
13. 115 world and hearafter (Dunia & akhirat)
14. 88 satan and angels (Shaitan & malaika)
15. 77 paradise and hell
16. 32 zakah & blessings repeated 32
17. 6 the righteous (al-abrar) used 6 times but wicked (alfujjaar) 3 times half.
18. 5 summer hot and winter cold twice repeated.
19. 6 wines or (khamar) and intoxication (saqara) repeated 6 times.
20. 26 wealth appears 26 time while poverty is mentioned half 13 times
21. 25 words tongue and sermons appears 25 times each.
22. 50 benefits and corrupt both appear 50 times.
23. 108 Reward(ajr) and action (fail) are both repeated 108 times.
24. 75 the words mushibah disaster and thanks alshukur appear 75 times in the quran.
25. 83 al mahabbah or love and al-taah or obedience apear 83 times.
26. 3 al-yisr or facility,relief and al-usr or diffficulty appear three times.
27. 115 al-shiddah or hardship and al-sabar patience appear 115 times.
28. 23 words man and woman appear equally 23 times each.
29. 3 number 3 appears 12 times ( BAQARA; 196; IMRAN; 41. AN NISA 171.
30. 4 number 4 appear 10 times( albaqara; 226; 234; 260;at-Tawba 2; 36; Fussilat 10.
an nisa 15. an nur 4; 8 & 13.
31. 7 number 7 appears 15 times (Albaqara:29;261Al-Muminun 17 & 86: luqman 27>
Al -Talaq 12. Al Mulk 3. an-Naba 12. Fussilat 12. Yusuf 43; 47; 48. surah al-hijr
44 & 87 & al Haqqa 7.
32. 12 number 12 appears 4 times( Al baqara. 60; Al araf 160; Al maida 12; & at-
Tawba 36)
33. 1000 multiple of one thousand appear 11 times.(Baqara: 96: 243 Imran 124-125;
Alanfal 9; Al haj 47; A sajada 4; Al mar'arij 4; Al; Qadr 3; as saffat 147 & Al
ankabut 14 )
34. 40 places of number is repeated 4 times.(Baqara; 51; Almaida 26; Al araf 142 & Al
ahkaf 15)
35. 100 places of number 100 is repeated 3 times (surah 2:259 ;261 & Surah Nur . 2)
37. 11 places where number 11 only appears one time (surah yusuf,4)
38. 9 places where number 9 is repated appears 3 times (Al-Isra:101.An-Naml.12 & 48)
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