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![]() ![]() Miracles & lessons in QuranSpam X |
Al Quran contains 6236 sentences(ayats) 26,021 words from 114 surah divided into 30 chapters and the WAHYU was completed in 23 years ? months by Angel Gibraiel/Gibreel to our Prophet Mohammad S.A.W.Huruf huruf nuraniyyah must be included in huruf muqaththa'ah inclide hamzAH which is 29 in total in Alquran.Total words inQuran is 51,900 (8310 =16% or 1/6 Hamzah ) (Qap=4086; 8% & Kap=3878; 7.5% ) Ain=3788;7.3% ) Ra=3293; 6.3% ) (Nun=2936;5.7% while the rest comes from the balance of other alphabetical order of 23.So the total of the six alphabetic is 26,021 which is slightly more than half of the word in the Quran.( See :Page 71: Al-Quran dan Rashia Angka Angka by Dr.Abu Zahra" An-Najdi: printed by Pustaka Hidayah 1990 Jakarta.) The following table is arrange to identify the mathematical Miracles & Lessons in Alquran Quranic figures time mentioned reference in Quran significance' 1. Fatihah 7 ayats 17 times daily opening cap Tauhid Uluhiyah & Rububiyah No 7 appears 15 times in the alquran. 1 plus 5 = 6. alaq (Embriyo) is the 6th times of then process of stages of man's creations which is in total 65 (Turab(soil) 17: dorp of sperm (nuftah)=12: Half formed lump of flesh(mudghah) 3; Bone(diham) 15; Flehsh (lahm) 12 and total 65."Human being" is used 65 times. The word "land" appears 13 times while the word "sea" is mentioned 32 times. Plus these two figures equals 45 in total. If we divide 13 by 45 get the percentage of land is 28.8888889 % is land while if we divide divide 32 by 45 to know the percentage of sea it is 71.111111%. This figures represents the exact proportions of land and sea on the earth today. The most important surah is the Al-Fatihah, the opneing Chapter of the Holy Quran, which is made compulsory for every Muslim to recite in every Prayer.The 7 verses surah is repeated 17 times daily during five prayes(Two subuh,four Zuhur, four asar, three Magrib and four Esha=17 times).Figure 6326 is also 17 if you total and 1 plus 7 is 8. Number 7 appears 15 times in the quran.The Salawat appears 5 times in the quran and Muslim are commanded to perform salat five times daily.
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