Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Miricles of figures in Alquran made easy to understand and appreaciate

The Holy Quran is divided into 30 chapters or sections. The first Surah is the Alfatihah the oft seven repeated verses and is the opening chapter of the Alquran.It consists of 6236 verses.If you add this figure it becomes 17 and the Alfatahah is repeated 17 in Muslim daily prayer.One plus seven is eight and the devils and the angels are mentioned 88 times in the Holy Quran.Eight plus eight is seven and seven is the total verses in the Alfatihah.Can any one say this miraculous equation of figures found in the Quran simply a matter of coincidence or spiritual conjecture or evidence proving that every thing written in this Holy Book is the direct revelation of God ? From here let us look at the following significance of numerical evidences found in the Quran as per tabulation setting:-implying the miracles of numbers found in the Holy Quran.

S/N.   Numbers   Where they are found in the Quran & Numbers repeated  Implied

                             signification & Universal comments                

1.     65        human being mentioned 65 times in the Quran ( Soil -turab ) =17 times;
                   drops of sperm (nuftah)  times; ( Embryo-'alaq' =6 times): half form flesh              
                  (mudghah)= 3 times:Bone('idham)=15 times &
                   Flesh (lahm)= 12 times : total = 65 times.
2..      5      the word SALAWAT..command to perform prayer  appears 5 times to perform

                   5 daily prayers.

3.      13       the world land in Quran appears 13 times                                        

                   28.8888889% of 45  

4.      32       the word sea in quran appears 32 times                                          

                   71.1111111% of 45 ( 13 plus  32) =45.The figures represents the exact
                    proportions of   sea on earth today.

5.      33      the SUN & light (NUR)  also appears 33 times  words of repetitions
6.        23    man and women also appears 23 times words of repetitions

7.         7    seven heavens( khalaq as -samawat) repeated 7 times    dito

8.     365      Day (yawn) & its pluran forms  days ( ayyam and yawmayn) together

                  repeated 30 times shahar (months )  

                  repeated 12 times.

9.      16      Treachery (khiynanah) is repeaated 16 times & foul (khatibth) is also repeated
                  16 times

10.    26      plants and trees are repeated 26 times in the quran

11.   117       twice repeated becomes 234

12.  332       "say" and "they say" appears 332 times .

13.  115       world and hearafter (Dunia & akhirat)

14.    88       satan and angels (Shaitan & malaika)

15.   77         paradise and hell

16.   32        zakah & blessings repeated 32

17.   6          the righteous (al-abrar) used 6 times but wicked (alfujjaar) 3 times half.

18.   5         summer hot and winter cold twice repeated.

19.    6        wines or (khamar) and intoxication (saqara) repeated 6 times.

20.   26       wealth appears 26 time while poverty is mentioned half 13 times

21.   25      words tongue and sermons appears 25 times each.

22.    50     benefits and corrupt  both appear 50 times.

23.    108   Reward(ajr) and action (fail) are both repeated 108 times.

24.    75    the words mushibah disaster and thanks alshukur appear 75 times in the quran.

25.   83     al mahabbah or love and al-taah or obedience apear 83 times.

26.   3      al-yisr or facility,relief and al-usr or diffficulty appear three times.

27.   115   al-shiddah or hardship and al-sabar patience appear 115 times.

28.   23     words man and woman appear equally 23 times each.

29.    3     number 3 appears  12 times ( BAQARA; 196; IMRAN; 41. AN NISA 171.

                ALMAIDA 89 HUS 65 MARYAM 10. AN NUR 58. AZ ZUMAR 6. AL-WAI'A 7.

                YA-SIN 14. AT TALAQ 4 AND MURSAALAT 30.

30.    4     number 4 appear 10 times( albaqara; 226; 234; 260;at-Tawba 2; 36; Fussilat 10.

               an nisa 15. an nur 4;  8 & 13.

31.    7     number 7 appears 15 times (Albaqara:29;261Al-Muminun 17 & 86: luqman 27>

               Al -Talaq 12. Al Mulk 3. an-Naba 12. Fussilat 12. Yusuf 43; 47; 48. surah al-hijr

              44 & 87 & al Haqqa 7.

32.    12    number 12 appears  4 times( Al baqara. 60; Al araf 160; Al maida 12; & at-
                Tawba 36)

33.    1000  multiple of one thousand appear 11 times.(Baqara: 96: 243 Imran 124-125;

                  Alanfal 9; Al haj 47; A sajada 4; Al mar'arij 4; Al; Qadr 3; as saffat 147 & Al

                  ankabut 14 )

34.    40    places of number is repeated 4 times.(Baqara; 51; Almaida 26; Al araf 142 & Al

                 ahkaf 15)

35.    100  places of number 100 is repeated 3 times (surah 2:259 ;261 & Surah Nur . 2)

37.      11  places where number 11 only appears one time (surah yusuf,4)

38.    9   places where number 9 is repated  appears 3 times (Al-Isra:101.An-Naml.12 & 48)



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Miracles & lessons in Quran

Datuk Salleh to tugau
show details Aug 19 (11 days ago)
Al Quran contains 6236 sentences(ayats) 26,021 words from 114 surah
divided into 30 chapters and the WAHYU  was completed in 23 years ?
months by Angel Gibraiel/Gibreel to our Prophet Mohammad S.A.W.Huruf
huruf nuraniyyah must be included in  huruf muqaththa'ah inclide
hamzAH which is 29 in total in Alquran.Total words inQuran is 51,900
(8310 =16% or 1/6 Hamzah ) (Qap=4086; 8% & Kap=3878; 7.5% )
Ain=3788;7.3% ) Ra=3293; 6.3% ) (Nun=2936;5.7% while the rest comes
from the balance of other alphabetical order of 23.So the total of the
six alphabetic is 26,021 which is slightly more than half of the word
in the Quran.( See :Page 71: Al-Quran dan Rashia Angka Angka by Dr.Abu
Zahra" An-Najdi: printed by Pustaka Hidayah 1990 Jakarta.)

The following table is arrange to identify the mathematical Miracles &
Lessons in Alquran

Quranic        figures    time mentioned    reference in Quran

1. Fatihah    7 ayats    17 times daily      opening cap        Tauhid
Uluhiyah & Rububiyah

No 7 appears 15 times in the alquran. 1 plus 5 = 6. alaq (Embriyo) is
the 6th times of then process of stages of man's creations which is in
total 65 (Turab(soil) 17: dorp of sperm (nuftah)=12: Half formed lump
of flesh(mudghah) 3; Bone(diham) 15; Flehsh (lahm) 12 and total
65."Human being" is used 65 times.

The word "land" appears 13 times while the word "sea" is mentioned 32
times. Plus these two figures equals 45 in total. If we divide 13 by
45 get the percentage of land is 28.8888889 % is land while if we
divide divide 32 by 45 to know the percentage of sea it is 71.111111%.
This figures represents the exact proportions of land and sea on the
earth today.

The most important surah is the Al-Fatihah, the opneing Chapter of the
Holy Quran,
which is made compulsory for every Muslim to recite in every Prayer.The 7 verses
surah is repeated 17 times daily during five prayes(Two subuh,four
Zuhur, four asar, three
Magrib and four Esha=17 times).Figure 6326 is also 17 if you total and
1 plus 7 is 8.
Number 7 appears 15 times in the quran.The Salawat appears 5 times in
the quran and Muslim are commanded to perform salat five times daily.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Don’t allow the troubles to get the best of you. Instead, allow those troubles to make the best of you.

Don’t tire yourself out fighting against the challenges. Instead, find new energy by embracing those challenges and working through them to create real value.

Always remind yourself that discouragement is nothing more than a response you’ve chosen. When you find that you’ve chosen to let it be, you can just as surely choose to let it go.

In the place of discouragement, you can put determination. It is your life’s energy, and you can point it in whatever direction you choose.

Your most powerful response is not based only on what has already happened. Your most powerful response also takes into account what you wish to make happen next.

Look forward, and envision in great detail the future you desire. Then gather all your energy, and step forward to make it be.

Don’t waste your time complaining about what brings you down. Instead, get yourself away from it in whatever way you can.

If you’re in a negative pattern, break the pattern by establishing a new, more meaningful, positive and empowering one. Doing what you’ve always done will continue to get you what you’ve always gotten, and to get a change you must make a change.

Reach inside and reacquaint yourself with what you truly care about. Your authentic purpose is far more important than keeping up old habits or superficial appearances.

This is your life and this is your opportunity to do something positive about it. You are far more powerful than you’ve allowed yourself to be.

Decide to use that power in the service of what is most important to you. Though a change of focus will initially be frightening and uncomfortable, you will soon feel you’re right where you belong.

The beautiful possibilities are calling. Now is your moment to focus your life upon, and to allow, what really matters.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

wake up call

             wake up my friends       

Wake up check out and role your sleeves,
        guard our dwindled wealth swindled;
call friends and catch the thieves,
        summon mr courage until spirit rekindled.

rusa and babi in jungle loss,
        none left for hunting boss,
making all feel sad and sorrow.
        lower than the tide when it is low;
lower than what we previously saw;
        across padi fields and meadows;
without a single sign of  scare crow,
         in rows as seen years ago:
Oh birds and beasts of prey that fly and roam,
         scare u no more;hunger strikes all must go;
escape u from gallows pains and sorrow no more;
         after death you know what !
will be in you don’t know where,
         faithful and pious get fair share.

be intelligent and sweet;
         Adhere and listen but not cheat;
nor plunder anything sweet;
         leave us some thing to eat,
         Charge the bastard and run fast,
remove the "thorns" behind the glass’,
          while our energy lasts.
to restore dignity and class.

play not hide and seek oh you wild card;;
           together we push you hard,
with sharpened darts dipped in lard,
           appropriate punishment for wayward.

Good luck to you old fellow;
           may you in loneliness surrender,
justice soon calls you to sacrifice the swallow,
           frighting experience is inescapable cry of a liar.

by dsj ; 26/7/2011 @ 11.59 kl.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

most fulfilling level.

The rich abundance of life surrounds you. It is a magnificent blessing and a profound responsibility.

You have access to a continuing stream of value that is life and its countless possibilities. It is up to you to make meaningful use of that value.

No person, no possession, no position can give you fulfillment. That will come only from the way you choose to live.

Life owes you nothing because life already gives you everything. You, through your focus, your priorities and your efforts, are the only one who can transform that abundance into fulfillment.

To hope that someone will do it all for you is to deny yourself the true magnificence of being you. You are absolutely worth the effort of fulfillment, so find joy in making that effort.

The challenges are many, and yet the positive possibilities are endless. Make the commitment, make the effort, and live life at its highest, most fulfilling level.

Change of focus
Don’t waste your time complaining about what brings you down. Instead, get yourself away from it in whatever way you can.

If you’re in a negative pattern, break the pattern by establishing a new, more meaningful, positive and empowering one. Doing what you’ve always done will continue to get you what you’ve always gotten, and to get a change you must make a change.

Reach inside and reacquaint yourself with what you truly care about. Your authentic purpose is far more important than keeping up old habits or superficial appearances.

This is your life and this is your opportunity to do something positive about it. You are far more powerful than you’ve allowed yourself to be.

Decide to use that power in the service of what is most important to you. Though a change of focus will initially be frightening and uncomfortable, you will soon feel you’re right where you belong.

The beautiful possibilities are calling. Now is your moment to focus your life upon, and to allow, what really matters.

Monday, 15 August 2011

recycle life continues

In my last write up I ended up by stressing the importance of conscience
as indicator of human rights and wrongs.Today I try to discuss on the
actual past and present experiences which human under went through
via an in dept study of the Prophet Yusuf story as related in our Holy Quran
under  chapter 12.

This analysis comes as an aspiration which I gather
through my daily reciting of the Quran for the first two weeks of Holy Ramadan.
I found 25 practical examples of  revealing lessons which can help us achieve
success in life based on religious guidance and inspiration.

Surah Yusuf has111 verses, one of the six surah which begins with the symbol
ALIF,LAM RA which only Allah knows best.The 25 deducted incidents are
narrated through classified versus as arranged in chronological
inspiring sequence.
These 25 universal issues covered are as relevant now as they were
during the Prophet
Yusuf era.Let us look at them observantly and rationally and relate
them to current events.

Issue no one is JEALOUSY. Refer to verse no. 5. It exists and teaches
us how to avoid
its existence. Do not be transparent or show off your acquired Allah
bounty by proudly
announcing them to the world because jealousy is Shyatan's trap.

Issue no two relates to Allah freedom of choosing who his bounty is to
be blessed.
Verse 8 confirmed the choice and this fact should be applied by us in
our life operation
to reduce envy and reduce hatred between ourselves instead of allowing
it to increase.

Issue no three is found in verse 9 where by we as parents should be
respected but at
the same time we should let our children opinion heard and finally how parental
disrespect  becomes a costly affair by creating concocted lies.

Issue no four is described in verses 10 to 18 where the power of
jealousy can incite
killer instincts. Therefore in life try not not to be jealous of
others because the mind
automatically stops functioning once jealousy set in.

Issue no five is being covered under verses 19 to 21 which teaches us
an important
lesson on how to over come pain after losing  your loved one, through patience.
This most important to do is to be patient and ask for Allah help in
time of utter

Issue no six is how Allah mysteriously showers his blessings to those who
stayed closely to their faith in time of hardship.A story which took
place fifteen
hundred years ago where Allah found a way to give hope to a boy thrown in the
well meant to be left and forgotten for ever has remained relevant until today
and that we are urged not to forsake and lose hope in Allah.

Issue no seven refers to verses 22 and 23 which teaches us how to deal with
temptations from committing sin in this life.Seek immediate refuge in
Allah faithfully.

Issue no eight is the fallacy on the notion of success as claimed by
the infidels
and hypocrites. Allah rejects this fallacy when he says " The zalimun
(wrong and evil doers)will never be successful".Therefore stop acting because
it will bring us now here near to success (Tuflihun).

Issue no nine is described succinctly under verses 24 to 32 how a prophet as
much as an ordinary human being are subject to temptation through abuse of
person in authority.In this story Allah teaches us how to deal with such problem
if you face one.This is the most common problems which we are facing today.

Issue no ten is related under verses 33 and 34 on how Allah ultimately
teaches us
to eliminate sin from our lives that is by avoiding to get near to any
to commit sin itself.The prophet prefers to suffer in prison rather
than allowing
his faith to be tested in the battle field of lustful desires.

Issues no ten and eleven are described under verses 35 to 37 and 41 to 50
while verses 38 to 40 is left out being not really relevant to the sequence
of the episode.All of us go through all sort of problems in life and who do
we ask for help? If you want a job you naturally need a cousin or friend
in the company to get help. When you need any thing you ask some
one for a favor.But when Prophet Yusuf (ahs) needed help to get out of jail,
what did he do? He asked somebody to help him out instead of asking,
Allah:"(Shyatan made Yusuf to forget the remembrance of his Lord--Allah
as to ask for His Help,instead of others)."The result was Yusuf stayed
in prison a few more years.Even a prophet is subject to Shyatan temptation
what is so hard for an ordinary human from being tempted by shyatan.

Issue no 12 refers to Yusuf ability to interpret dreams which
described the cyclic nature
of life as confirmed fact,when a 7 years of abundance are followed by
7 years of famine.
This shows that every hard hardship will be followed by a period of ease.

Issue 13 is covered under verses 50 and 51 whereby Allah assured us
that truth shall
prevail over falsehood no matter under what ever condition the truth is tested.

Issues no 14 and 15 are covered by verses 52 ,53 and 54 where in Allah
clarified that
human being are easily subjected to evil influence except those whom
He bestowed His mercy.To earn his Mercy we need to be sincere in
thoughts (heart) and deeds.This is explained by the story of Yusuf as
a boy thrown in the well by his own brothers and then sent to prison
when he is innocent,and finally became the most powerful man on earth
at that time when the king of Egyptian civilization;and say to him
"Verily,this day you are with us high in rank and fully trusted".That
is how the power of faith in Allah works.So never lose hope in Allah's
power no matter how hard may things look at the moment.

Issue no 16 is covered under verses 56 whereby a good Muslim is advised not to
lose his faith even if his life begins to fall apart.The gem of verse
which provide
inspiration and heartwarming message has thus said "We make not to be lost
the reward of Al-Muhsinun."

Issue no 17 is covered by verses 58 to 67 when people lost their love
a child they begin to question the existence of Allah and become possessive.When
Propeht Yakub was again asked by the children who was supposed to have killed
his son to let them have his other son with them, His response was:
"The decision rests
only with Allah. In Him I put my trust and let all those that trust,
put their trust in Him".
This statement should always remind us that the true test of faith of
a Muslim is during
times of hardship and, not ease. Dear brother Muslims and friends how
many of us
can say such thing after losing a love one?

Issue no 18 refers to verses onto the degrees of pleases which Allah
allows to any one.
He said "We raise to degrees whom we please".When we are young we ask
our parents
why my friend has that and i don't and as we become adult we also ask
why some friend
went to school by fancy cars while I have to go by bus home.Now we
even ask why people
less deserving than us earn more than us.All answers to those
questions found in the above saying.

Issue no 19 is covered under verse 77 where malicious lies or gossip
are spread about you
in front of others when you are powerless to stop them for reasons
beyond your control.Once that happened you tned to blow your anger on
your wife and kids.So the answer is PATIENCE. It is easy said than
done right.Well let us see what Prophet Yusuf said to himself to stay
patient: "You are in worst case, and Allah knows best the truth of
what you assert". Then try once or twice if it works on you.

Issue no 20 is covered under verses 78 to 80 wherein we are taught two
important lessons to observe.One is telling us to punish only the one
who actually commits the crime and no
substitution is allowed,Secondly; is the importance of keeping your
word (your word must
by our bond) i.e. not to break promise.This applies to all strata of
society.Do not break
your promise you made to your people instead of working for your self
instead of the people.

Issue 21 covers verses 81 and 83 whereby we are told how Prophet Yakub
dealt with the
agony of losing his son by invoking patience and complete trust in
Allah.So from this lesson we should be able to know how to deal with
injustice against us and still stay sane.

Issue 22 covers verses 84 to 86 which taught us how to suppress our
sorrow by keeping
the anger inside oneself which can cause blindness. Therefore do not
keep anger,sorrow
and frustrations locked up inside.To whom should you therefore
complain, your wife, kids
and friends? Well follow what Prophet Yakub did: "I only complain of
my sorrow to Allah".
You know why ? Allah listen, he sees and he knows and he rewards.Until
then be patient.

Issue 23 is being covered under verse 87 where in the message is sent
both to individual and the community of nation. Millions of Muslims
are losing hopes daily despite what Allah commands us not to loose
hopes and despair of his mercy unless your are disbelievers.You must
remember that real test of Islam is not to believe in the seen,but the

Issue no 24 is covered by verses 88 to 92 whereby Allah stated that
the Muhsinun are
preferred than evil doers. This truth which is universally
acknowledged must be realized
by all Muslims not to be despair at the notion that Islam caused many
failures.This notion must be rejected and that we must heightened our
faith with motivational ease and patience.

Finally issue no 25 is dealth by verses 93 to 111 of the surah which
teaches us to apply
compassion and forgiveness despite all what have been inflicted on by
either your family,friends, neighbors and even at other levels of
society on you previously.Nothing could
have been experience by you any worse than what Prophet Yusuf has
under gone and yet he was prepared to forgive.In this sense
forgiveness is divine while revenge is a satanic curse.By virture of
this article I am urging our Muslim brothers to read more of the
Quranic translations in an attempt for us to learn and under stand
some of the important lessons found therein which we can use as a
source of Mercy and Divine Guidance for us all in our recycle journey
of life. Than you may Allah bless our little contribution.Ameen. DSJ @
7.23 pm on 15/08/2011 kl.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

recycling life

Life is a process of natural recycle fixed and determined by the Almighty.
When it begins and ends no human exactly knows except by deductions
through information reveled in the Holy Quran. For instance death is real.
meeting God is real. Heaven is real and hell is also real.Pain is real and
human conscience really exists.Yesterday was real. Now is real and the arrival
of tomorrow is real.

Having seen and observed all these realities many souls still doubt
the truth of our Almighty's ordinances. Priorities are obscured by worldly
allurements of human ideals which usually run counter to the acceptable
religious observances.Human intelligence is distract by beauties of falsehoods.
This is human problem number one;an inherent human enemy which can
instinctively reject truth without allowing rationality to make faith
related analysis.

The span between beginning and ending constitutes real life in operation.
The operation is governed by laws specified and ordained by the Almighty
which is decisively conclusive and final.This law covers the recycling of lives
of animals, humans and other habitats on this planets.The process is proven.

Every thing written as history,as current events and as promise of
future has truly happened, is happening now and is surely going to happen
in future without doubt.What really created doubt is "the distance and span"
of time between these incidents.This space over shadows human perception
both physical and spiritual.Thus the heart is blind,the ears cannot hear and
eyes cannot see.Complete darkness has overclouded the entire atmosphere because
of the separating distance between the Lover.

Only proximity breeds convincing belief while distance denies and repels
voluntary acceptance of truth because of obscurity and darkness.
The further we are from the object the longer is the time for us to
accept or reject the truth of the seen,the touchable or the unseen and

The obscurity that separates our objective is termed in Arabic terminology
as SYAATEEN; meaning further away from truth and reality of faith.Hence
the word shaytan is meant to describe the unfaithful and unbelievers who
stay far away from God and deny his grace. shay-tan is the greatest enemy
of mankind.

Distance makes our hearts grow less fonder to "our great lover".
These groups are slowly and surely being satanically influenced and induced
to forget and ignore realities not within their sight as soon as
the unthinkable natural process of life recycle operates instantly.They become
ignorant because shy-tan misguided them far away

The key to give light to human ignorance and darkness is the
let human conscience guide the process of recycling life. jaf  10.36 @
14/08/2011 .


If you catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself you’ve discovered a valuable opportunity. You can transform the negative energy of self-pity into positive energy to improve your situation.

When you’ve been disappointed by life, take a step back and look at the positive value in that disappointment. You have a powerful reason to become more determined than ever before.

Life has its ups and its downs. And you can choose to benefit from both.

Success is not a matter of having everything go your way. Success comes from choosing to find the value in whatever way things go.

Don’t waste your time and energy making judgments about whether you’re having a good day or a bad day. Decide to take whatever comes and make it into an empowered day.

Whatever form it takes, life is always supplying you with the raw material for fulfillment. Make good use of it all to move your life surely and steadily in the direction of your dreams.

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Meaningful doing
Do you ever find that you are merely trying and not really doing? If so, you’re not being who you truly are.

You don’t have to try to authentically be yourself. And in being yourself is where you’ll be most effective.

There is no power, only conflict, in trying to be someone or something you’re not. Instead of fighting against yourself, use your energy to more fully be and express yourself.

What you experience as trying, is not really you. What you step forward and do, without hesitation, without excuses and with great enthusiasm, is where you’ll create the most meaningful value.

Trying wastes precious time that could be much more gainfully invested in doing. Trying means that the direction you’re headed is not the direction in which you’re committed to going.

Yes, by all means make the difficult, challenging, complicated and effective efforts. Go beyond the meaningless trying and fill your life with meaningful doing.

profound responsibility

The rich abundance of life surrounds you. It is a magnificent blessing and a profound responsibility.

You have access to a continuing stream of value that is life and its countless possibilities. It is up to you to make meaningful use of that value.

No person, no possession, no position can give you fulfillment. That will come only from the way you choose to live.

Life owes you nothing because life already gives you everything. You, through your focus, your priorities and your efforts, are the only one who can transform that abundance into fulfillment.

To hope that someone will do it all for you is to deny yourself the true magnificence of being you. You are absolutely worth the effort of fulfillment, so find joy in making that effort.

The challenges are many, and yet the positive possibilities are endless. Make the commitment, make the effort, and live life at its highest, most fulfilling level.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

letter to CPS

Datuk Salleh to Francis
show details 7:25 AM (16 hours ago)
To: The Commissioner of Police Sarawak.

Dear Tuan Kommisssioner,

I am very surprised that after reading the statement from the Chairman
of MOCS that your investigating officers
whoever they are, alleged that Mr. Francis and I are making use of
those who are active in MOCS.
This is utter nonsense and has no basis at all. As an appointed
adviser to the NGO I have no ulterior motive
to make use of any one in MOCS for evil or destructive means to enrich
our selves.An NGO is no position
to be used to corrupt people. It is purely a civil organisation to
seek avenues to bring forth malpractices done
either by government, its servants, or political leaders, to the
attention of the public and the authorities.
This is civic consciousness and our moral duty to the community,the
country and the nation.
Accusing some one voluntarily involved with "sincere intention" in
trying to correct human misdeeds is the
worst form of "FITNAH" which is more dangerous than killing according
to Islam.The act is sinful especially
when it is done during the Holy month of Ramadan.Such act in self can
create tension.

As a local muslim head of important federal government department, you
should not allow your subordinates to
simply make accusations against a citizen, more so if a person is
senor honorable citizen and has not committed
any thing wrong, by concocting stories out of spite, to purely to
complete their official duty.
Professionalism and reasonableness must be done and shown with
integrity and honor,
because citizens are now intelligent and are very conscious of their
legal right as much as the police
has its obligation to safeguard the interest and security of the
nation. Any apparent abuse of power inflicted on innocent
citizens during the course of investigation can spark of ill feelings
and if can lead to vengeance and revenge.

I am sure you are well aware that what caused the latest riots in
United Kingdom few day ago.We do not want the same
incident to happen in our State.Your self and your men including
myself and family and MOCS members have equal
stake in Sarawak future.For your information I have twenty eight grand
children and fifteen children to think off,We also
have served the State during the emergency period of communism and
Indonesian confrontations and never were we asked
to manufacture "FITNAH" against any ordinary citizen not even to the
communists.We used persuasiveness and the
principle of Taichi.The Sri Aman Peace treaty was an excellent
example.We never used force or brutality even to any captured
Indonesian communists in early sixties.We were directly involved then.
We were also being trained in UK and Europe on
security matters and intelligence and we are equally educated and qualified.

Please do not regard or simply accused senior citizen as some one who
only want to make use of others for ulterior motives.
Do not concort stories if you can find other evidence.You must
remember all of us are answerable to the people we deal and
to Allah in the final analysis.Your officers must also take into
consideration of others sensitivities. After all we are human.

To avoid from being label with bad image as it happens in Semenanjong
Malaysia, Sarawak police under a local head should
show excellent harmonious example to the nation that Sarawakians are
both caring and hospitable officers and citizens.
To earn people respect we must be humble and sincere and let all our
actions be guided by and dictated by "our conscience".

Terima Kasih Selamat berpuasa.


Tuesday, 9 August 2011

life & ups and downs

If you catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself you’ve discovered a valuable opportunity. You can transform the negative energy of self-pity into positive energy to improve your situation.

When you’ve been disappointed by life, take a step back and look at the positive value in that disappointment. You have a powerful reason to become more determined than ever before.

Life has its ups and its downs. And you can choose to benefit from both.

Success is not a matter of having everything go your way. Success comes from choosing to find the value in whatever way things go.

Don’t waste your time and energy making judgments about whether you’re having a good day or a bad day. Decide to take whatever comes and make it into an empowered day.

Whatever form it takes, life is always supplying you with the raw material for fulfillment. Make good use of it all to move your life surely and steadily in the direction of your dreams.

Monday, 8 August 2011

renungan ramadan

Ramadan bulan mulia,
Samulia insan yang terpelihara,
Semua dosa diampuni segra,
Balasan ganjaran iman dan takwa.

Nama nya harum si bunga melati,
Tanpa kelihatan menyat hati,
umpama punguk merindukan bulan,
belum terlihat tanpa perbualan.

bagitu lah amalan diterima,
Allah menkabula doa semua,
Tanpa terlihat tapi ada,
rukun iman harus percaya,

penglihatan di rasie melalui hati,
bukan mata insan terpadaya,
dibulan ramadan kita berbakti,
balasan amalan makwa surga.

itu lah nekad semua insan,
yang cantik manis, muda  remaja,
melalui tipu helah cabaran terasa,
penuhi lah ibadah lapar dahaga.

Tabah hati indah nya bakti,
berduan menyahut pangilan ilahi,
ketaatan amalan unsur sendiri sendiri,
tanda harumnya si bunga melati.

Saturday, 6 August 2011


‘Taib disrespectful of late James Wong’

KUCHING – The Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) has expressed its displeasure at the absence of Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud during the funeral of the state’s elder statesman James Wong Kim Min here two weeks ago.

“James Wong is no ordinary politician. He was Sarawak’s first post-Independence deputy chief minister from 1963-1966 and effectively, Taib’s senior at that time. More significantly, he was also among the prominent SNAP personalities who saved Taib’s skin during the Ming Court coup in 1987”, MoCS adviser Salleh Jafaruddin said today.

Wong passed away on July 18. He was 89 and survived by his wife Valerie Bong, eight children, 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Salleh who is Taib’s cousin said the chief minister was being disrespectful and ungrateful to Wong when he did not even turn up to pay his last respects to the former SNAP president whom he described as a “patriotic Sarawakian and a true gentleman”. 

“The late Wong was also a signatory to the Malaysia Agreement and had served five prime ministers. He had also been at the service of Sarawak virtually all his life”, said Salleh.

Taib’s conspicuous absence at Wong’s wake and funeral was also debated in the Sarawak media and blogs. There were quiet expressions of regret at the chief minister’s absence, especially when even the Yang di-Pertua Negeri, Tun Abang Salahuddin,  turned up to pay his last respects.    

Salleh felt that Taib owed Wong a mountain of gratitude for Wong was one prominent player who helped Taib to build his ‘kingdom’ in Sarawak after he backed the chief minister during the Ming Court revolt.

Salleh was in the Maju group led by Tun Rahman Yakub who opposed Taib and wanted him to step down as chief minister in 1987. He was also a former PBB vice-president.

Saying that traditional gratefulness is one hallmark of an honourable leader, Salleh pointed out that Taib should have expressed his gratefulness to Wong publicly at his death.

Gratitude, as an appreciation for what a person has contributed either to an individual, a family, a race or a nation, must be expressed and shown publicly, he said.

Salleh said that if vindictiveness and revenge are allowed to override the human’s inherent social values of forgiveness, our society is heading towards individualism and devoid of gratitude. 

“This show of abhorrence is totally unacceptable even in our modern society,” he added.

Salleh said personalities like state minister James Massing and others who were Taib’s political adversaries during the Ming Court revolt were now bosom pals of the chief minister.

“So it seems that in the eyes of the state’s leadership, gratefulness can only be reciprocated upon fulfilling their "secretly designed functions".  It is no longer based on sincerity and traditional communal value of respect”, he lamented.

Salleh said it was unfortunate too that Taib also did not bother to attend the funerals of personalities like Sarawak’s second governor Tun Tuanku Haji Bujang and former State Secretary Abang Yusuf Puteh.

“The people are feeling disgusted with such an ungrateful attitude, smacked of revenge and vindictiveness. This is not leadership by example shown by the chief minister. The spirit of “forgive and forget” ought to be publicly displayed by the state leadership. 

“We should let bygones be bygones. We expect wisdom to grow gracefully with age and experience in consonance with the honour, status and dignity of the office held. Traditionally practiced gratitude should be enriched and showered with human love, grace and compassion instead of hatred,” Salleh added.