Sunday, 17 July 2011

pyramid of corruption

Datuk Salleh to ahmadebon
show details Jul 15 (3 days ago)
"Pyramid of corruption" was built on fifty five pillars of connection;
the numerical strength of five plus five is ten; ten is ONE plus zero
a duality through disconnection; one and zero is one by connection.
One symbolizes power: power is a unify-er and indivisible; power
corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; pyramid  of
corruption is thus born.
Egyptian Pyramid was built by powerful and corrupt ancient leaders; it
symbolizes the "historical strength of civilization"; corruptions
becomes hereditary heritage of subsequent leaders,all ended being
overthrown in tragic manners including Sadat and Mubarak.The members
of " Pyramid of Corruption" should learn now otherwise they may meet
similar fate of their predecessors.

Corruption flourishes in society of ignorance.It "kills feelings of
humiliation" and assassinates misery".It has no eyes to see and face
truth and no ears to hear people screams Corruption travels along one
way streets or cul de sac by the latest model of luxury commercial
vehicles driven on automatic gears fitted with state of art gadgets to
evade and avoid security detection.Unfortunately drivers are not
formula one trained.

Corruption has successfully introduced a new social culture in any
society.Members of Pyramid of Corruption has developed various systems
of professional bureaucracy specializing in manufacturing deceits and
fact of lies. Their production lines are almost always covered by
concocted stories to disseminate warnings and to instill fears.When
outrageously challenged, it will unhesitatingly employ oppressive and
brute methods of repulsive revenge without any set limit.Corruption
has no respect for law once it works against it interests.

Corruption is a blind love which has endless appetite.The more it has
the more it wants and it gives less and retains more and the more it
retains the less it cares.This is one side of corruption.

Corruption is an international epidemic.It is incredibly difficult  to
control but increasingly attractive public concern.It has become a
daily interesting social subject of public polemic and no days passed
with it being raised up by the world media.So serious is the stage of
corruption now that is has taken a center stage as the main cause of
in any political upheaval happening in any place in the world.

Corruption also brought many ugly scenes in our midst. Murder and
blackmailing are on the rise daily and to control these happenings is
a very difficulty task.Corruption has in fact incorporate the policy
of all inclusive where almost every soul in the country is involved in
one way or another.It ranges from as low as office boy or coffee maker
and as high as  where the power lies! No amount of incentive could
possibly eradicate the disease of corruption until and unless all its
original symptoms could be eliminated and nub in the bud through
instilling feeling of humiliation and reinstatement of misery to
members of society.Crimes should not only be punished through the
human made law but must be meted through severity of the weight of
draconian religious law by way pricking human conscience.

In other words religiously adherent experience citizen who are God
fearing must be encouraged to come forward to lead and participate in
molding our country's political future.Experience and well to do
senior citizens must be encouraged to be actively involved in decision
makings to assist and supervise the younger educated generation to run
this country.Senior citizen is the country's valuable assets and their
contribution will not be based on the desire to become rich or famous
because they may have gone through the path. Their contribution will
be purely on the need to give service to the country for the sake of
God and no others.This is the only practical means to help reduce
corruption cause by greed and abuse of power in the  absence of
effective religious upbringing.


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