If you speak of disconnection, you limit him, and if you speak of connection you define him.
If you speak the two together, then you are free of error and you are a leader and a master of knowledge of gnosis.
He who affirms duality, falls into shirk, and whoever speaks of uniqueness is a unifier.Take care lest you be a dualist by connection, and take care lest you be an isolator by disconnection.
You are not HIM,rather you are HIM and you see HIM in the source of thing, absolute and limited at the same time.
The dualist's and the isolator's existence transport three intelligible movements :vertical,horizontal and downward symbolism of prayer; standing;bowing and horizontal position.The movement of human is vertical;while that of animal is horizontal and plants are in downward posture.The inanimate does not have movement from its essence. If a rock moves,it moves by other means than it self.Universe and its contents have no independence and freedom; they are gifts and blessings of the essence where peace and tranquility originate.Seek for the tranquilizer and you will find and ask for forgiveness and you will be given; and knock the seal of wisdom it will be opened.
From Jaf.
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