Wednesday, 6 July 2011

conspiracy,monopoly & marginalization

Conspiracy is a very hotly discussed topic and it attracts many interesting clients when we are debating current Malaysian Political development.Admittedly conspiratorial approach has been long applied by most leaders at various political levels to leverage intricate and intrinsically hidden agenda from unauthorized exposure.It's planned weird operations are covertly designed to cover all essentials ingredients only exposing minimum data just enough  to arouse public interests and thus the theory becomes interesting focal point of any political polemic.

To understand and appreciate its operational intricacies and to create wider public awareness, calls for well conceived innovative research tools induced by intellectually focus and sensitive minds. Suppression and oppression are among the many common modes operand i to maintain it from public detection.Deceits and falsifications of factual evidence are organised side by side in perfect coordination to avoid public negative perception ideally aimed to perpetuate inhibited feeling of insecurity.

Sweetness of truth shall always be kept in abeyance while falsehood becomes commanding priority noticeably  approved and acknowledged as fiat accompli, in the midst of on going awareness.Apathy and inaction create conducive atmosphere of false hopes and satisfaction within a new society of ignorance based on the old traditional acceptable premise of ignorance is bliss.This legacy is the residue of left over by our colonial masters.A legacy endorsed by blind loyalty guided by a filial saying "Ask no question and I tell you no lies".This legacy is out dated and obsolete.It needs complete changes.

Hence conspiracy must be dismantled and destroyed through a new smartly collective and intelligent approach, with decency and pride,highly valued human dignity consistent with the approved charter of international standard of human right.This right is endorsed by the provision of our country's constitution especially article 10 which guarantees peaceful right of assembly.This right must not be overruled, twisted and denied through arbitrary decision to enhance political and administrative convenience.

All parties must be the respect of laws because every one is equal before the should be judiciously applied. Its application should not be made a monopoly by the civil authority merely as punitive tool to create unnecessary fear and tension in the eyes of public.Although law is a moral, it must nevertheless less be rationally applied and endorsed with the fright to spiritually trigger human conscience.After all even animals livelihood are also protected by the country's law. In other words law should be considered as an instrument to guide sanity in any civil society.

As an independent country, Malaysia was not born out of illegal wedlock.The engagement of the three suitors was legitimately conceived from mutually compliance consent accorded by the three existing entities.

Since the last fifty years the terms and conditions of the Marriage have not been revised, reviewed or amended as stipulated under the IGC  report. Many of our founding leaders have left us for good while some of their contemporaries who are  still alive are conversationally unproductive and hence sidelined and not consulted.Based on official statistics those above 70 years old still living are 814,000 in numbers and around less than one percent of them were former leaders with experience and wisdom. Some may be senile and others are still active and energetic mentally and physically. They still could be used as reference guide to help steer the new generation to develop the country together.Wisdom grows with age and experience. Wisdom is a better teacher.Wisdom is acquired via experience and is not taught They are assets and not liabilities.They should be made as source of reference for the young leaders to seek help to guide them in steering to help navigate the ship from strong countervailing winds to avoid turbulence political weather along the way.

In an ageing political system fraught with unrelenting communal demands and many overdue regional inequalities of political,economic and administrative treatments interspersed by growing sense of parochialism,leaders who do not understand the back ground history of Malaysia's birth will not be able to assess the intensity of the current demands in clear perspective.In their scramble to hasten the retaliation of 2020 vision regional priorities are likely to be overlooked and sidelined.Saddled with new untested problems accompanying the creation of the new economic model, leaders from different ethnic and political entities within the power house are collectively and individually trying to disengage their activities in an apparent spirit of political competitiveness to enhance popularity.The concept of collective responsibility has gone haywire because of conspired management style of marginalization and monopoly.This new management administrative arrangement has unavoidable caused delay and frustration especially among the political piers.Administrative machinery conspired to usurp political power from the authorized political beholders in term of important professional decisions which should otherwise be exercise the other way round.The politicians are policy makers while the civil servants should rightly be seen as the executioners of the policy.

Under the present context it is the other way round.The "insular opinion" of our civil servant and their "impervious attitude to external environmental changes" are beholden to an archaic belief that  
the power is permanent without realizing the actual domino effects of the 2008 political tsunami that caused the down fall of the four BN state governments.They should at least show impartiality in the treatment towards political masters of the day.Their professional input ought to be impartially applied even in an advisory capacity. 
to continued


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