Islam and its inherent enemies.

Feb 18 ![]() | ![]() ![]() | |||
Islam means Peace.Peace is tranquility.
It is achieved through complete submission
of religious dictates ordained by Allah in the Quran
and Hadiths; the two main sources of its law.
Today Islam is professed by 1.3 billion people
of the world.They are termed as Muslims.Every day
Muslim populations keep on increasing through
one of the following means.
The population increase originates from three sources.
The original Muslim whose parents are Muslim.The second is
inductively acquired Muslim status through marriages
and thirdly Muslim converts by way of genuine spiritually
guided inspiration based on dept understanding of Islam.
The three categories of Islam have their own divergent
inherent characteristics which may directly tempt and
gravitate to induce them to become captivation of and
beholden to the inherent influence of its enemies.
The best known characteristics are ignorance, unjustifiable
greed, arrogance,pride,love of wealth to perpetuate corruption,
injustices and abuse of power through regimented dictatorial
administrations.These characteristics can be looked at from
two aspects: practical and spiritual indications from within and
external influence.
Now therefore let us analyse the continuous confronting impacts
of Islam "inherent enemies" by way of historical episodes from allegorical
significant for all of us to ponder as a guidance to reshape the future
Islamic Faith "TAUHID", "INTENTION" & " STRENGTH".
Unity in faith is its strength. Unit is one which is Tauhid: One God without any partners.
Strength to defeat inherent enemies is unity in intention to up hold Tauhid.Shirk
negates one's Islam. Refer> al-Nisa 116 : al-maidah 72: No intercession should
be attached for Allah reliance because it is blasphemy.Polytheists are infidels and
should not be allowed to guide the Muslims.It amounts to act of disbelief and it
indicates that the intention of the polytheists is against Tauhid vent to weaken Islam.
Since the Arab Spring uprising four powerful Muslim leaders fell from power disgracefully.
Currently one more powerful dictator is still clingjng to power, i.e. Assad of Syria.Wind of
change is blowing unabated through out Islamic Middle eastern countries.Bahrain is
also in deep trouble. People anger is hard to put off. Anger is an enemy.Who fan them ?
In these countries daily demonstrations have become part and parcel of social affairs
while in the other four countries which have undergone transformation through political
revolutions do not yet achieve the desired peace and political stability as planned and
required.Thirty over years of peace and stability were destroyed within months to vent
anger and dsatisfactions which produced social disintegration fomenting uncalled for
unhappiness of the people involved and the entire populations of these regions.
To reinstate political and economic stability for these countries you need international
involvement and new commitments of the displaced populations to put up trusted and
credible elected leaders through democratic opposed to the ways the deposed
leaders were installed.This placement required time and money.Patience is the essence
of new success envisaged.
Will the majority have that essential characteristic? Can the physical achievements developed
over a period of thirty years or more by the previous deposed leaders be replaced or
improvised by the new set of much published democratic leaders of post revolutionary period ?
Public expectations are high especially with regard to judicial economic and political distribution
based on ethnic composition of the country's population.Perhaps the new system maybe based
on Islamic administrative vision which has hitherto been generally ignored in place of western
secularism.Secularism is the most fertile ground for the growth of Freemasonry movement.
A Muslim member of Freemasonry is termed as apostasy.
Embedded secularism within most Islamic countries is one of the inherent enemies
of Modern Islam brought about by infidel attempts to introduce new concept of amendment to
the operation of shariah and Quranic injunctions which usually deviated from actual and original
intention.Any new innovation which does not conform with original religious tenet is deviation. Any
deviation is not Islam.It is a destruction of faith-term as bidaah.
Now you can easily obtain and read an English version of alquran without any Arabic script.
The undisclosed intent behind the idea is to deny new Muslim generation the opportunity of learning
and understanding the content of Muslim Holy Book (Al Quiran) from its original language. The
language of God.This is the most settle and effective way of operation by Islamic inherent enemies
to avoid intellectual detection by ordinary Muslim under the pretext that Arabic Language is archaic
and obsolete and thus regressive.
Secularism has thus influenced majority of modern Islamic parents in former colonized Muslim countries
into readily accepting the new religious literature without Arabic script because of their own ignorance
of the language of the original Quran text.It takes around five decades to get secularism embedded into
the daily culture of the Islamic ways of life.This task of reviving the interests of the current generations
to seriously learn the language of Alquran as was practice by the older generation is very demanding
and real. The old clock needs to be repaired and then rewind simultaneously so as to ignite the traditional
learning interest to master the language of the Quran which is supposedly believed to be read by 1.3 billion
Muslim all over the world.The continuous efforts by the infidels to prevent the expansion of Islamic influence
should not be taken lightly or completely ignored by every faithful Muslims.Every able body Muslim must be
prepared to go for JIHAD against these inherent enemies. Islamic spiritual appeal must be engaged to revitalize
its strength through the unitary influence of OIC and Islamic NGOS around the world in the absence of the weakening
collective responsibility and influence of the The Rabitah, Al queda and the Taliban as devout powerful Islamic Institutions.
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