Sarawak has seen four chief ministers.Two Ibans and two Melanaus.
Both Iban Chief Ministers have died while the melanus are both alive.
The incumbent has served as Chief Minister for a period of 31 years
and is the longest serving legislator in Malaysian political history.
Sarawak voters who are now 30 years old were just born when the current
Chief Minister took office.Naturally they all know about him and what
he has done for the state.
After ruling the State for more than 30 years,he has done a lot for Sarawak,
business communities,his political colleagues, himself and family.
He has physically developed the state infrastructural amenities,
agricultural and land development schemes,timber industries,airports
and ports,shipping
and air travel fatalities and modern administration and advance educational
opportunities for the people of Sarawak.
He successfully killed all his political enemies activities in the
State since 1987
of the Infamous Ming court Affair.He is a great political schemer,
shrewd political mafia,
a renown member of International Freemason organisation and a very
well connected
political personality of Malaysia.He has successfully managed to
multiply his politically
accrued economic wealth over the years to a point where any business
that are done
in the State must necessarily involved his families and political cronies.
He has created a new business culture where ethics, abuse of power and
corruption which formed
as an inevitable ingredient of success in the State: success based on
know who and not know how.
He has admittedly expressed that he succeeded because he is smart and
cleaver while others
who cannot get rich because they are stupid.There is truth some truth
in his statement.
Who can deny this truth? I believe any other leaders who hold similar
political opportunities for such
a long period would, one way or the other, have done the same thing as
he did, perhaps not to the
extent as the opportunities accorded to him. Only "fools" would not
follow his style.Do you agree?
Let us digress a lit bit from personal issues.From 1963 to 2012 can
we objectively analyse
major economic benefits brought by the development in the State?.75 %
of state wealth are owned
by the non bumi business communities such as WTK, Limbang Trading,
Rimbunan Hijau,Sameling
Bhd. Ting Pek King,Shin Yang, KTS group,Hii Ee Peng Group,Tieang Ming
Seng Group and many
other lessor economic taikoons of Sarawak.Their combined assets both
local and overseas are much
more that what the Chief Minister and his cronies in real term.Their
accumulated assets did not
seem to attract much interests from the Sarawak voters or members of
newly formed NGOS. Let us
ask why they escaped the dragnets?
If emotions and racial overtones are continuously allowed to find
faults and misdeeds of others out
of jealousy and envy, solutions could not possibly be found
objectively and professionally to solve
any imperfections found in a society where ballot boxes determine the
choice of leaders in any election.
We have witnessed the 12th elections results which has indicated a
dramatic political change in voters mind sets.
and soon we are going to face the 13th.If the trend is continuing as
shown in the last election,where voters objectively
voted leaders who care for people's interests,traditional party
loyalties may not bite new educated voters' interests because
they are more concerned of quality of leaders.This changes only
occurred significantly in non bumi controlled
constituency.Again we should ask question why such dramatic political
changes happened against expectations.
There are three possible reasons. One is the level of political
consciousness among the community. Two hatred
against blatant corruption and abuse of power to create monopolistic
opportunities.Thirdly,perhaps, an inherently
genuine desire for political change in the system influenced by
technological information advancement of internet.
If you compare the performance of bumi voters with the non bumi in the
last state election in Sarawak,the impact of
opposition win in four Peninsula States has significantly influenced
the urban thinking.It is anticipated that the same
trend would be be shown in the coming PRU 13 because one major
unresolved issues "CORRUPTION".Open denials
by BN leaders only indicated an attitude of hypocritical approacch
which is socially abhorrence; because denial statement
is historically an admission of truth or guilt. Only positive action
can serve the purpose to eradicate the ugly image of BN corruption.
The voters in opposition controlled states have openly expressed their
satisfaction with their political administration.
This expression was also uttered openly by many former BN known
supporters in major towns in the country. This is
a clear indication that the support for BN is losing in spite of the
various efforts and ways currently done by PM
himself going round and meeting the people in an organised way.The
show of support is superficially created by the "political
hangers" around "power generator" to ensure that political favors to
entrench their economic benefits remain intact within
the same political circles.The tightly controlled created circles over
the years by these groups inevitably worked against
BN expansion of political influence.Those who wanted to support BN are
those who are hoping to get immediate economic
benefits from their instant connection.This culture has been mounded
and ingrained in UMNO and BN associates for years.
Breaking the tradition will definitely caused internal disruption.This
is the real constraint faced and encountered by the leaders
who want to institute changes.To make effective changes most voters
have already indicated in silence that the BN led government
should be changed first and let the country be run on trial by the
opposition. After all the four state opposition controlled state
governments survived well despite major blockages from federal
administration.Now a choice is already available.
Voters will exercise the experiment in the coming pru 13. No law can
control voter mind set now.Time is short and change is
by dsj.
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