Saturday, 25 February 2012
1 of 48 Why this ad? Jadikan $1k menjadi $5k - - Hanya Pasaran Forex yang boleh membawa keuntungan kepada 500%. Bujang Senang Datuk Salleh 12:15 PM (6 minutes ago) to ahmadebon38 Wahai Insan bergelar Si Bujang Senang, Namau mu terkenal sangat di Bumi Kenyalang. Ramai mangsa mu dah kembali dan terpendam, Dibawah runtuhun sampah bertimbunan. Kami sedar kau makhlok "amphibia" Bolih hidup didaratan dan lautan, Tanpa sekatan dalaman dan luaran Bergerak menguna "kuasa kuda" beroda. Tayangan filem Roda Impian banyak peminat, Kecil besar tua muda lelaki perempuan sakit dan sihat, Mengemari pusingan keuntungamn pembangunan Malang nya ramai mengemis dalam tangisan kesidehan. Apa kah itu namanya politik pembangunan yang kau laungkan, Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun kau menungana roda, Pusingan dibawah mau pun diatas semua kau jaga, Hanya bermenafaat kroni dan keluraga bersangkutan. Kau masih belum sedar balasan Allah Wahai Si Bujang Senanag, Ramai anak saudara,adik adik dan isteri kesayanga mu dah menghilang. Menyahut pangilan awal untuk bertemu Tuhan, Membuat persedian"Makwa" yang kau Idam kan. Pasangan baru mu rakyat lebenan, Negara menghadapi kesulitan kewangan, Dilanda rusuhan yang berterusan, Mungkin apa yang kau petik itu seorang pelarian? Berita terkini tersebar luas, Keluraga asli mu sudah di ketepi, Lantaran pergolakan untuk membolot kuasa famali, Ahli keluraga berdekatan ramai tertindas. Ini lah realiti roda impian hidup, Yang teranyia mulai menyuludup, Dengan apa cara sekalipun akan diusaha, Biar puteh tulang jangan putih mata. Kezaliman mu terhadap rakyat dan kelurga, Mulai terasa dalam fikiran dan perasaan sendiri sendiri, Menjelma menerusi pandanagn kelihatan anda, kurus keringan umpama hamba abdi. Itu lah petanda yang Allah perlihat, Supaya manusia segra bermunajat, Dikeningan malam sunyi sepi, Mengharap keampunan dan petunjuk Illahi. kebenaran itu pahit dan berat timbangan nya, Neraca BN tidak beruapaya mengundul ketenteraman, Hati rakyaat dah bosan kerna lama teranya. Kesucian tekad dan ikidah perludi tegak sepanjang zaman. Insan yang di rindu Tuhan sering bermadah, Menerima teguran dan nesihat teman seagama, Bepaut di pokok yang dah dihingapi lebah, Harus akan menempuh masa depan yang hina. Berakhir maut di tepi lurah dan longkang, Saperti nasib Sadam dan Gadaphi, Tauladan dizaman moden yang memberansang, Penyesalan yang tidak akan berti dan terus di benci. ilham dipagi minggu 26/02/2012 @ 12.08 BY DSJ. 1 of 48 Why this ad? Jadikan $1k menjadi $5k - - Hanya Pasaran Forex yang boleh membawa keuntungan kepada 500%. Bujang Senang Datuk Salleh 12:15 PM (6 minutes ago) to ahmadebon38 Wahai Insan bergelar Si Bujang Senang, Namau mu terkenal sangat di Bumi Kenyalang. Ramai mangsa mu dah kembali dan terpendam, Dibawah runtuhun sampah bertimbunan. Kami sedar kau makhlok "amphibia" Bolih hidup didaratan dan lautan, Tanpa sekatan dalaman dan luaran Bergerak menguna "kuasa kuda" beroda. Tayangan filem Roda Impian banyak peminat, Kecil besar tua muda lelaki perempuan sakit dan sihat, Mengemari pusingan keuntungamn pembangunan Malang nya ramai mengemis dalam tangisan kesidehan. Apa kah itu namanya politik pembangunan yang kau laungkan, Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun kau menungana roda, Pusingan dibawah mau pun diatas semua kau jaga, Hanya bermenafaat kroni dan keluraga bersangkutan. Kau masih belum sedar balasan Allah Wahai Si Bujang Senanag, Ramai anak saudara,adik adik dan isteri kesayanga mu dah menghilang. Menyahut pangilan awal untuk bertemu Tuhan, Membuat persedian"Makwa" yang kau Idam kan. Pasangan baru mu rakyat lebenan, Negara menghadapi kesulitan kewangan, Dilanda rusuhan yang berterusan, Mungkin apa yang kau petik itu seorang pelarian? Berita terkini tersebar luas, Keluraga asli mu sudah di ketepi, Lantaran pergolakan untuk membolot kuasa famali, Ahli keluraga berdekatan ramai tertindas. Ini lah realiti roda impian hidup, Yang teranyia mulai menyuludup, Dengan apa cara sekalipun akan diusaha, Biar puteh tulang jangan putih mata. Kezaliman mu terhadap rakyat dan kelurga, Mulai terasa dalam fikiran dan perasaan sendiri sendiri, Menjelma menerusi pandanagn kelihatan anda, kurus keringan umpama hamba abdi. Itu lah petanda yang Allah perlihat, Supaya manusia segra bermunajat, Dikeningan malam sunyi sepi, Mengharap keampunan dan petunjuk Illahi. kebenaran itu pahit dan berat timbangan nya, Neraca BN tidak beruapaya mengundul ketenteraman, Hati rakyaat dah bosan kerna lama teranya. Kesucian tekad dan ikidah perludi tegak sepanjang zaman. Insan yang di rindu Tuhan sering bermadah, Menerima teguran dan nesihat teman seagama, Bepaut di pokok yang dah dihingapi lebah, Harus akan menempuh masa depan yang hina. Berakhir maut di tepi lurah dan longkang, Saperti nasib Sadam dan Gadaphi, Tauladan dizaman moden yang memberansang, Penyesalan yang tidak akan berti dan terus di benci. ilham dipagi minggu 26/02/2012 @ 12.08 BY DSJ. 1 of 48 Why this ad? Jadikan $1k menjadi $5k - - Hanya Pasaran Forex yang boleh membawa keuntungan kepada 500%. Bujang Senang Datuk Salleh 12:15 PM (6 minutes ago) to ahmadebon38 Wahai Insan bergelar Si Bujang Senang, Namau mu terkenal sangat di Bumi Kenyalang. Ramai mangsa mu dah kembali dan terpendam, Dibawah runtuhun sampah bertimbunan. Kami sedar kau makhlok "amphibia" Bolih hidup didaratan dan lautan, Tanpa sekatan dalaman dan luaran Bergerak menguna "kuasa kuda" beroda. Tayangan filem Roda Impian banyak peminat, Kecil besar tua muda lelaki perempuan sakit dan sihat, Mengemari pusingan keuntungamn pembangunan Malang nya ramai mengemis dalam tangisan kesidehan. Apa kah itu namanya politik pembangunan yang kau laungkan, Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun kau menungana roda, Pusingan dibawah mau pun diatas semua kau jaga, Hanya bermenafaat kroni dan keluraga bersangkutan. Kau masih belum sedar balasan Allah Wahai Si Bujang Senanag, Ramai anak saudara,adik adik dan isteri kesayanga mu dah menghilang. Menyahut pangilan awal untuk bertemu Tuhan, Membuat persedian"Makwa" yang kau Idam kan. Pasangan baru mu rakyat lebenan, Negara menghadapi kesulitan kewangan, Dilanda rusuhan yang berterusan, Mungkin apa yang kau petik itu seorang pelarian? Berita terkini tersebar luas, Keluraga asli mu sudah di ketepi, Lantaran pergolakan untuk membolot kuasa famali, Ahli keluraga berdekatan ramai tertindas. Ini lah realiti roda impian hidup, Yang teranyia mulai menyuludup, Dengan apa cara sekalipun akan diusaha, Biar puteh tulang jangan putih mata. Kezaliman mu terhadap rakyat dan kelurga, Mulai terasa dalam fikiran dan perasaan sendiri sendiri, Menjelma menerusi pandanagn kelihatan anda, kurus keringan umpama hamba abdi. Itu lah petanda yang Allah perlihat, Supaya manusia segra bermunajat, Dikeningan malam sunyi sepi, Mengharap keampunan dan petunjuk Illahi. kebenaran itu pahit dan berat timbangan nya, Neraca BN tidak beruapaya mengundul ketenteraman, Hati rakyaat dah bosan kerna lama teranya. Kesucian tekad dan ikidah perludi tegak sepanjang zaman. Insan yang di rindu Tuhan sering bermadah, Menerima teguran dan nesihat teman seagama, Bepaut di pokok yang dah dihingapi lebah, Harus akan menempuh masa depan yang hina. Berakhir maut di tepi lurah dan longkang, Saperti nasib Sadam dan Gadaphi, Tauladan dizaman moden yang memberansang, Penyesalan yang tidak akan berti dan terus di benci. ilham dipagi minggu 26/02/2012 @ 12.08 BY DSJ. 1 of 48 Why this ad? Jadikan $1k menjadi $5k - - Hanya Pasaran Forex yang boleh membawa keuntungan kepada 500%. Bujang Senang Datuk Salleh 12:15 PM (6 minutes ago) to ahmadebon38 Wahai Insan bergelar Si Bujang Senang, Namau mu terkenal sangat di Bumi Kenyalang. Ramai mangsa mu dah kembali dan terpendam, Dibawah runtuhun sampah bertimbunan. Kami sedar kau makhlok "amphibia" Bolih hidup didaratan dan lautan, Tanpa sekatan dalaman dan luaran Bergerak menguna "kuasa kuda" beroda. Tayangan filem Roda Impian banyak peminat, Kecil besar tua muda lelaki perempuan sakit dan sihat, Mengemari pusingan keuntungamn pembangunan Malang nya ramai mengemis dalam tangisan kesidehan. Apa kah itu namanya politik pembangunan yang kau laungkan, Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun kau menungana roda, Pusingan dibawah mau pun diatas semua kau jaga, Hanya bermenafaat kroni dan keluraga bersangkutan. Kau masih belum sedar balasan Allah Wahai Si Bujang Senanag, Ramai anak saudara,adik adik dan isteri kesayanga mu dah menghilang. Menyahut pangilan awal untuk bertemu Tuhan, Membuat persedian"Makwa" yang kau Idam kan. Pasangan baru mu rakyat lebenan, Negara menghadapi kesulitan kewangan, Dilanda rusuhan yang berterusan, Mungkin apa yang kau petik itu seorang pelarian? Berita terkini tersebar luas, Keluraga asli mu sudah di ketepi, Lantaran pergolakan untuk membolot kuasa famali, Ahli keluraga berdekatan ramai tertindas. Ini lah realiti roda impian hidup, Yang teranyia mulai menyuludup, Dengan apa cara sekalipun akan diusaha, Biar puteh tulang jangan putih mata. Kezaliman mu terhadap rakyat dan kelurga, Mulai terasa dalam fikiran dan perasaan sendiri sendiri, Menjelma menerusi pandanagn kelihatan anda, kurus keringan umpama hamba abdi. Itu lah petanda yang Allah perlihat, Supaya manusia segra bermunajat, Dikeningan malam sunyi sepi, Mengharap keampunan dan petunjuk Illahi. kebenaran itu pahit dan berat timbangan nya, Neraca BN tidak beruapaya mengundul ketenteraman, Hati rakyaat dah bosan kerna lama teranya. Kesucian tekad dan ikidah perludi tegak sepanjang zaman. Insan yang di rindu Tuhan sering bermadah, Menerima teguran dan nesihat teman seagama, Bepaut di pokok yang dah dihingapi lebah, Harus akan menempuh masa depan yang hina. Berakhir maut di tepi lurah dan longkang, Saperti nasib Sadam dan Gadaphi, Tauladan dizaman moden yang memberansang, Penyesalan yang tidak akan berti dan terus di benci. ilham dipagi minggu 26/02/2012 @ 12.08 BY DSJ. 1 of 48 Why this ad? Jadikan $1k menjadi $5k - - Hanya Pasaran Forex yang boleh membawa keuntungan kepada 500%. Bujang Senang Datuk Salleh 12:15 PM (6 minutes ago) to ahmadebon38 Wahai Insan bergelar Si Bujang Senang, Namau mu terkenal sangat di Bumi Kenyalang. Ramai mangsa mu dah kembali dan terpendam, Dibawah runtuhun sampah bertimbunan. Kami sedar kau makhlok "amphibia" Bolih hidup didaratan dan lautan, Tanpa sekatan dalaman dan luaran Bergerak menguna "kuasa kuda" beroda. Tayangan filem Roda Impian banyak peminat, Kecil besar tua muda lelaki perempuan sakit dan sihat, Mengemari pusingan keuntungamn pembangunan Malang nya ramai mengemis dalam tangisan kesidehan. Apa kah itu namanya politik pembangunan yang kau laungkan, Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun kau menungana roda, Pusingan dibawah mau pun diatas semua kau jaga, Hanya bermenafaat kroni dan keluraga bersangkutan. Kau masih belum sedar balasan Allah Wahai Si Bujang Senanag, Ramai anak saudara,adik adik dan isteri kesayanga mu dah menghilang. Menyahut pangilan awal untuk bertemu Tuhan, Membuat persedian"Makwa" yang kau Idam kan. Pasangan baru mu rakyat lebenan, Negara menghadapi kesulitan kewangan, Dilanda rusuhan yang berterusan, Mungkin apa yang kau petik itu seorang pelarian? Berita terkini tersebar luas, Keluraga asli mu sudah di ketepi, Lantaran pergolakan untuk membolot kuasa famali, Ahli keluraga berdekatan ramai tertindas. Ini lah realiti roda impian hidup, Yang teranyia mulai menyuludup, Dengan apa cara sekalipun akan diusaha, Biar puteh tulang jangan putih mata. Kezaliman mu terhadap rakyat dan kelurga, Mulai terasa dalam fikiran dan perasaan sendiri sendiri, Menjelma menerusi pandanagn kelihatan anda, kurus keringan umpama hamba abdi. Itu lah petanda yang Allah perlihat, Supaya manusia segra bermunajat, Dikeningan malam sunyi sepi, Mengharap keampunan dan petunjuk Illahi. kebenaran itu pahit dan berat timbangan nya, Neraca BN tidak beruapaya mengundul ketenteraman, Hati rakyaat dah bosan kerna lama teranya. Kesucian tekad dan ikidah perludi tegak sepanjang zaman. Insan yang di rindu Tuhan sering bermadah, Menerima teguran dan nesihat teman seagama, Bepaut di pokok yang dah dihingapi lebah, Harus akan menempuh masa depan yang hina. Berakhir maut di tepi lurah dan longkang, Saperti nasib Sadam dan Gadaphi, Tauladan dizaman moden yang memberansang, Penyesalan yang tidak akan berti dan terus di benci. ilham dipagi minggu 26/02/2012 @ 12.08 BY DSJ.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
salam sarawak
Salam Sarawak.
Tanpakhabar berita ku terima,
Apakau membisu dan dunggu,
Hampir dekat pilihan raya baru.
Politk negara membrangsang,
Rami ahli Bn binggung serata gelisah,
Takut kalau-kalau diiri terbuang,
Akan menghadapi kehidupan susah.
Kedudukan yang di pertarung mungkin hilang,
Kekalahan Bn terasa terus mendatang,
Kesedihan di muka ahli BN tertunjuk belang,
Umpama kain putih dibahasi air naik pasang.
Wahai teman seperjuangan ku sayangi,
Keindahan kedudukan menipu insan leka,
Khayal lntaran buta hati serta peka,
Telinga bengal,mulut bisu,diawasi persanaan membenci.
Kata-kata keluar pemimpin terus di benci,
Modal habis duit satu Malaysia di beri,
Kepada penyukong Bn sendiri sendiri,
Nasib masa depan rakyat di perjudi.
Harga diri rayat Malaysia sudah hilang,
Tanpa panduan Ugama Islam yang suci,
Pengaruh Freemason dan sekularsima mengawasi,
Fikiran dan ala tuju pucuk pempinan terhalang.
Wahai pemimpin yang rakus dan tamak haloba,
Insafi lah dan buka minda seluas luas nya,
Renungi lah peristiwa,Sadam,Mubarak, Gadaphi dan rakan sebaya,
Yang sedang melanda benua timur tenganh terkaya hasilnya.
Kezaliman yang Allah janji nampak berlaku dengan terang nyata,
Tidak seorang insan pun dapat menduga kebenarannya,
Peristiwa ngeri dan mengiris kesidehan perasaan terelihat,
Nasib amat malang telah menimpa serta mengakhiri zaman terhina.
Kemulian kedudukan dan kekayan di perolihi,
Hilang dengan sekilip mata tiada seorang insan kethui,
Kuasa politik,tentra dan wang ringgit terus meragut kemulian,
Yang berteras kepada kezaliman bukan cinta kepada tuhan.
Wahai pemimpin yang masih tertidur atau lena dan khayal,
Bangun dan terus berdiri memuhun keampunan kepadaa Tuhan,
Berjihad memuji dan memuja kebesaran kekuasan yang kekal,
Tanpa menerusi "bantuan keshirikan" manusia cara berdua-duan
Awasi lah perangai benci membenci berterusan,
Itu pakayan iblis dan shaitan memberangsang fikiran,
Insan sesat serta hilang jalan panduan,
Tanpa petunjuk dan rahmat dari Tuhan.
Amalan mu tidak akan di terima didunia mau pun akhirat,
Tanpa sanggup memberi maaf dan mendapat magfirah iradat,
Yang menjadi panduan hidup insan bersih dan suci,
Berjihad menegap shiar Agama Islam yang terpuji.
Tabur lah budi mu kerana niat yang muli dan suci untuk Tuhan,
Bukan untuk disanjung dan di puji serata ingin diingati,
Ia nya adalah shirik kahfi dan dosa yang tidak diampuni,
Berlumba lumba lah memuhun mengfariah dari dosa keterlaluan.
Oh Tuhan ampun ku puhun sepuluh jari,.
Dari dosa antara manusia serta mengingkari perintahmu,
Sebelum hayat ku menghilang diri,
Kabulkan lah permohonan insan yang daif dan disesati.
Ameen .
Ilham dsj @ 8.05 am 22/2/2012. Wednesday.
Monday, 6 February 2012
![]() ![]() ![]() Who determine "The fate of Najib,Musa and Taib Mahmud" in the coming pru 13 ?![]()
Only Allah through reciting Alquran,Alhadith and Tahjud performance. After almost three and half years of assuming the highest position of the country Naajib has addressed three UMNO conventions filled with repeated political rhetoric meant to instill new and innovative spirits among the UMNO members. So far nothing changed as required except more and more exposures of misdeeds and corruptions from all levels of leadership.This is first sign of political failure. Performance wise nothing significant was done and achieved.The reformation introduced recently as One Malaysia Concept still remain at trial stage. The transformation programs planned have not taken off until April 2012.The causes of the delayed are not immediate known.Convincing explanations need to be publicized to arrest the flight of government supporters from leaving and not voting the BN leaders in the PRU 13. Delays and procrastination are thieves of time and they usually work against planned target and can cause economic stagnation in the absence of immediate physical development activities. Political propaganda of counter ATTACKING the opposition every time BN leaders opened their mouth is obsolete and no longer relevant in the absence of reasonably factual defensive arguments.Replies were mostly emotional in nature and this does not attract and excite intelligent voters.There seems to be very much lacking in political team work.Hence you notice Najib is working single handed most of the times as if tacit individual political supports are not forthcoming. Continually denying the truth in order to cover up misdeeds of political colleagues is a deliberate act of political suicide.To change the image Najib himself must change.He must be very bold and decisive. Indecisiveness entails weakness, indifference and lacking in confidence. Feeling of Inhibition, politically induced by a false hope of two assured political fixed deposits of Musa and Taib who are tagged by massive corruptions and scandalous the leadership conscience which may incontrovertibly hold him at ransom especially so when the most controversial and mush published case of Sharizat cattle heads scandal is pending decision.The fate of UMNO and BN rests partly on Najib immediate political decision.Sparing political rods means spoiling the three children.Such inaction is inviting political futility which can obsessively affect and influence the out come of PRU 13. Najib is currently facing the worst political deli-ma even worst than the ghost of Atlantuya Sheribu which has haunted him for quite some time.Her ghost only intrigued his spiritual feeling while the images of the three devils which has transformed into "evil of exits" is real and visible which equally demand immediate political solution. Retaining and or discarding the three known evils inevitably invites precarious will definitely anger the general public including BN supporters while selecting the later merely frustrates the aspiration of the devils whose influence may immediately wane after action is taken.Najib is now facing the devil and the deep blue sea.What shall he do ? As a muslim leader He should from now on continuously make every effort to pray "ISTIHARAH" to help him make judicious and divinely ordained political decision to solve this impasse.No sane human being can help him get out of this mess successfully and effectively other that Allah guidance.Therefore immediately turn to Allah for help and guidance.Knock HIS door and it will be opened and ask for his help He will surely be given.Have no fear Najib for Allah is near. Reciting Quran, Hadiths and perform Tahjud prayer nightly are the keys to open success door. Insha allah. |
Thursday, 2 February 2012
voters have choice.
Sarawak has seen four chief ministers.Two Ibans and two Melanaus.
Both Iban Chief Ministers have died while the melanus are both alive.
The incumbent has served as Chief Minister for a period of 31 years
and is the longest serving legislator in Malaysian political history.
Sarawak voters who are now 30 years old were just born when the current
Chief Minister took office.Naturally they all know about him and what
he has done for the state.
After ruling the State for more than 30 years,he has done a lot for Sarawak,
business communities,his political colleagues, himself and family.
He has physically developed the state infrastructural amenities,
agricultural and land development schemes,timber industries,airports
and ports,shipping
and air travel fatalities and modern administration and advance educational
opportunities for the people of Sarawak.
He successfully killed all his political enemies activities in the
State since 1987
of the Infamous Ming court Affair.He is a great political schemer,
shrewd political mafia,
a renown member of International Freemason organisation and a very
well connected
political personality of Malaysia.He has successfully managed to
multiply his politically
accrued economic wealth over the years to a point where any business
that are done
in the State must necessarily involved his families and political cronies.
He has created a new business culture where ethics, abuse of power and
corruption which formed
as an inevitable ingredient of success in the State: success based on
know who and not know how.
He has admittedly expressed that he succeeded because he is smart and
cleaver while others
who cannot get rich because they are stupid.There is truth some truth
in his statement.
Who can deny this truth? I believe any other leaders who hold similar
political opportunities for such
a long period would, one way or the other, have done the same thing as
he did, perhaps not to the
extent as the opportunities accorded to him. Only "fools" would not
follow his style.Do you agree?
Let us digress a lit bit from personal issues.From 1963 to 2012 can
we objectively analyse
major economic benefits brought by the development in the State?.75 %
of state wealth are owned
by the non bumi business communities such as WTK, Limbang Trading,
Rimbunan Hijau,Sameling
Bhd. Ting Pek King,Shin Yang, KTS group,Hii Ee Peng Group,Tieang Ming
Seng Group and many
other lessor economic taikoons of Sarawak.Their combined assets both
local and overseas are much
more that what the Chief Minister and his cronies in real term.Their
accumulated assets did not
seem to attract much interests from the Sarawak voters or members of
newly formed NGOS. Let us
ask why they escaped the dragnets?
If emotions and racial overtones are continuously allowed to find
faults and misdeeds of others out
of jealousy and envy, solutions could not possibly be found
objectively and professionally to solve
any imperfections found in a society where ballot boxes determine the
choice of leaders in any election.
We have witnessed the 12th elections results which has indicated a
dramatic political change in voters mind sets.
and soon we are going to face the 13th.If the trend is continuing as
shown in the last election,where voters objectively
voted leaders who care for people's interests,traditional party
loyalties may not bite new educated voters' interests because
they are more concerned of quality of leaders.This changes only
occurred significantly in non bumi controlled
constituency.Again we should ask question why such dramatic political
changes happened against expectations.
There are three possible reasons. One is the level of political
consciousness among the community. Two hatred
against blatant corruption and abuse of power to create monopolistic
opportunities.Thirdly,perhaps, an inherently
genuine desire for political change in the system influenced by
technological information advancement of internet.
If you compare the performance of bumi voters with the non bumi in the
last state election in Sarawak,the impact of
opposition win in four Peninsula States has significantly influenced
the urban thinking.It is anticipated that the same
trend would be be shown in the coming PRU 13 because one major
unresolved issues "CORRUPTION".Open denials
by BN leaders only indicated an attitude of hypocritical approacch
which is socially abhorrence; because denial statement
is historically an admission of truth or guilt. Only positive action
can serve the purpose to eradicate the ugly image of BN corruption.
The voters in opposition controlled states have openly expressed their
satisfaction with their political administration.
This expression was also uttered openly by many former BN known
supporters in major towns in the country. This is
a clear indication that the support for BN is losing in spite of the
various efforts and ways currently done by PM
himself going round and meeting the people in an organised way.The
show of support is superficially created by the "political
hangers" around "power generator" to ensure that political favors to
entrench their economic benefits remain intact within
the same political circles.The tightly controlled created circles over
the years by these groups inevitably worked against
BN expansion of political influence.Those who wanted to support BN are
those who are hoping to get immediate economic
benefits from their instant connection.This culture has been mounded
and ingrained in UMNO and BN associates for years.
Breaking the tradition will definitely caused internal disruption.This
is the real constraint faced and encountered by the leaders
who want to institute changes.To make effective changes most voters
have already indicated in silence that the BN led government
should be changed first and let the country be run on trial by the
opposition. After all the four state opposition controlled state
governments survived well despite major blockages from federal
administration.Now a choice is already available.
Voters will exercise the experiment in the coming pru 13. No law can
control voter mind set now.Time is short and change is
by dsj.
Both Iban Chief Ministers have died while the melanus are both alive.
The incumbent has served as Chief Minister for a period of 31 years
and is the longest serving legislator in Malaysian political history.
Sarawak voters who are now 30 years old were just born when the current
Chief Minister took office.Naturally they all know about him and what
he has done for the state.
After ruling the State for more than 30 years,he has done a lot for Sarawak,
business communities,his political colleagues, himself and family.
He has physically developed the state infrastructural amenities,
agricultural and land development schemes,timber industries,airports
and ports,shipping
and air travel fatalities and modern administration and advance educational
opportunities for the people of Sarawak.
He successfully killed all his political enemies activities in the
State since 1987
of the Infamous Ming court Affair.He is a great political schemer,
shrewd political mafia,
a renown member of International Freemason organisation and a very
well connected
political personality of Malaysia.He has successfully managed to
multiply his politically
accrued economic wealth over the years to a point where any business
that are done
in the State must necessarily involved his families and political cronies.
He has created a new business culture where ethics, abuse of power and
corruption which formed
as an inevitable ingredient of success in the State: success based on
know who and not know how.
He has admittedly expressed that he succeeded because he is smart and
cleaver while others
who cannot get rich because they are stupid.There is truth some truth
in his statement.
Who can deny this truth? I believe any other leaders who hold similar
political opportunities for such
a long period would, one way or the other, have done the same thing as
he did, perhaps not to the
extent as the opportunities accorded to him. Only "fools" would not
follow his style.Do you agree?
Let us digress a lit bit from personal issues.From 1963 to 2012 can
we objectively analyse
major economic benefits brought by the development in the State?.75 %
of state wealth are owned
by the non bumi business communities such as WTK, Limbang Trading,
Rimbunan Hijau,Sameling
Bhd. Ting Pek King,Shin Yang, KTS group,Hii Ee Peng Group,Tieang Ming
Seng Group and many
other lessor economic taikoons of Sarawak.Their combined assets both
local and overseas are much
more that what the Chief Minister and his cronies in real term.Their
accumulated assets did not
seem to attract much interests from the Sarawak voters or members of
newly formed NGOS. Let us
ask why they escaped the dragnets?
If emotions and racial overtones are continuously allowed to find
faults and misdeeds of others out
of jealousy and envy, solutions could not possibly be found
objectively and professionally to solve
any imperfections found in a society where ballot boxes determine the
choice of leaders in any election.
We have witnessed the 12th elections results which has indicated a
dramatic political change in voters mind sets.
and soon we are going to face the 13th.If the trend is continuing as
shown in the last election,where voters objectively
voted leaders who care for people's interests,traditional party
loyalties may not bite new educated voters' interests because
they are more concerned of quality of leaders.This changes only
occurred significantly in non bumi controlled
constituency.Again we should ask question why such dramatic political
changes happened against expectations.
There are three possible reasons. One is the level of political
consciousness among the community. Two hatred
against blatant corruption and abuse of power to create monopolistic
opportunities.Thirdly,perhaps, an inherently
genuine desire for political change in the system influenced by
technological information advancement of internet.
If you compare the performance of bumi voters with the non bumi in the
last state election in Sarawak,the impact of
opposition win in four Peninsula States has significantly influenced
the urban thinking.It is anticipated that the same
trend would be be shown in the coming PRU 13 because one major
unresolved issues "CORRUPTION".Open denials
by BN leaders only indicated an attitude of hypocritical approacch
which is socially abhorrence; because denial statement
is historically an admission of truth or guilt. Only positive action
can serve the purpose to eradicate the ugly image of BN corruption.
The voters in opposition controlled states have openly expressed their
satisfaction with their political administration.
This expression was also uttered openly by many former BN known
supporters in major towns in the country. This is
a clear indication that the support for BN is losing in spite of the
various efforts and ways currently done by PM
himself going round and meeting the people in an organised way.The
show of support is superficially created by the "political
hangers" around "power generator" to ensure that political favors to
entrench their economic benefits remain intact within
the same political circles.The tightly controlled created circles over
the years by these groups inevitably worked against
BN expansion of political influence.Those who wanted to support BN are
those who are hoping to get immediate economic
benefits from their instant connection.This culture has been mounded
and ingrained in UMNO and BN associates for years.
Breaking the tradition will definitely caused internal disruption.This
is the real constraint faced and encountered by the leaders
who want to institute changes.To make effective changes most voters
have already indicated in silence that the BN led government
should be changed first and let the country be run on trial by the
opposition. After all the four state opposition controlled state
governments survived well despite major blockages from federal
administration.Now a choice is already available.
Voters will exercise the experiment in the coming pru 13. No law can
control voter mind set now.Time is short and change is
by dsj.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
e and Development. |
![]() ![]() ![]() A two party system in the making![]()
Pru 13 opens up a new opportunity for a two party system in Malaysia. Fifty years of protracted and fragmented political survival of colonial political legacy is continuously transforming is inevitable and unstoppable.The wind of change is blowing strongly towards that direction. Five post Independence Malaysian Prime Ministers did not make sincere and serious effort to create an opportunity to establish a two party system for Malaysia for reasons best know to themselves.Although the sixth Prime Minster is attempting an economic and political transformation through One Malaysia Concept, a two party system is deliberately left in abeyance from the agenda.Until and unless these inherent racially divisive political elements are diagonoised to suit the need of changing environment this country will be left behind in term of political reform to achieve a two party system of Government internationally practiced in Developed Democracies of the West.Malaysia has only eight more years to achieve its target to be a developed nation.Can it achieve the target status with in such limited time? Time will be the best judge. Essentially One Malaysia Concept should have distinctly spell out the idea of drastic political transformation through abolishing the current ethnically divisive existence of parties with in BN and Pakatan.Initlally the Government should allow and approve Pakatan coalition as a legally registered opposition on similar status as BN.This transformation will slowly pave the way for a two party system in Malaysia. The government recent move to allow peaceful assembly especially on the eve of Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim famous court verdict on the 9th January,2012 should be followed thorough immediately to grant the approval for Pakatan to be recognized as a legally registered institution.This immediate move by the Government will definitely improve the Government transparency image to establish political justice and equality for Malaysian voters to make political choice in all future elections.Thus a two party system will be borne during the transformation program of PM Dato Seri Najib era which can be considered as an early sign of political maturity,achievement and success for the current administration. Now that Annuar Ibrahim is declared innocence by the Malaysian Judiciary explicitly justifying our country's independence judicial system. An extra goodwill will gesture to give the opposition legal status through Paakatan nomenclature dose not necessarily impair the BN chance of winning in this coming PRU 13.Indeed such gesture will provide credible appeals for political professionalism to be embedded into a new system where the Government and the op[position will be fighting on a level playing field.This is the urgent transformation which should be addressed by our Prime Minister. by DSJ 11.35 10/1/1212/ ![]()
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