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show details Nov 17 (4 days ago) |
suggestions how to improve
electoral process.
There are few fundamental reformation to be implement with regard to
improving the set up of election commission it self .
1. Its structure in term of composition of members.
2. In term of its transparency and direct involvement in its
relationship with political parties both from the government and
opposition fronts.
3. The ever increasing roles and concerned of the NGOS in political
affairs of the nation must be taken into consideration..
4. We must look at the democratic rights of non domicile malaysian
citizens to exercise their voting rights during any election.
5. The military voters which have been permanently registered in
strategic areas must necessarily be revised and be improvised to
reflect the ingenuity of the postal voters registered in that
specified constituency.
6. The allegations that undi hantu/noncitizen voters are illegally
exercising their political rights must be rectified immediately and
must be done thorough micro electronic registering approaches in
every constituency throughout the country.
7. To effectively implement this new transparent modes operand i based
on equitable joint responsibility, the Chairman,Deputy Chairman and
the Secretary of the Commission must necessarily come from Sarawak,
Sabah and Semenanjung on three annually rotating basis. This is to
ensure that a fair and equitable representation is created and shown
to the people of Maalaysia that the two eastern states are not
permanently marginalized. politically and administratively.Sabah and
Sarawak does not joint Malaysia but FORMED the Malaysian nation.The
new generation demands this right.
8. Members of NGOS and Oppositon Parties should also be invited to
sit as members of the commission and if the Commission Act is
restrictive on the appointment, it should be amended.This is one of
the ways to eradicate apparent biases.
9. The permanent nature of Military registered voters presence in
certain specific marginal constituencies must also be rectified
because the permanent nature in term of total number of registered
voters allowed to vote from that specified areas at every election
gave rise to fraudulent image
because some of the military personnel may have been retired or
transferred some where else while the numbers of the registered voters
remain static or even increased.
10. The committee should also looked seriously at the rights of
absentee, nor domicile voters be they are students or ordinary
citizens working over seas, to be incorporated into the new proposal
to be given the right to vote through postal means to ensure that
every citizen is not denied their democratic right.The allegation that
non citizen have acquired voting rights should also be rectified
especially through the new registering exercises undertaken by the
Government in respect of foreign workers.
11. The election commission must be made fully responsible for any
electoral fraud taking place in future and members should be honorable
enough to resign once such incident takes happens. Thank you.
From Dato Salleh Jafaruddin.
electoral process.
There are few fundamental reformation to be implement with regard to
improving the set up of election commission it self .
1. Its structure in term of composition of members.
2. In term of its transparency and direct involvement in its
relationship with political parties both from the government and
opposition fronts.
3. The ever increasing roles and concerned of the NGOS in political
affairs of the nation must be taken into consideration..
4. We must look at the democratic rights of non domicile malaysian
citizens to exercise their voting rights during any election.
5. The military voters which have been permanently registered in
strategic areas must necessarily be revised and be improvised to
reflect the ingenuity of the postal voters registered in that
specified constituency.
6. The allegations that undi hantu/noncitizen voters are illegally
exercising their political rights must be rectified immediately and
must be done thorough micro electronic registering approaches in
every constituency throughout the country.
7. To effectively implement this new transparent modes operand i based
on equitable joint responsibility, the Chairman,Deputy Chairman and
the Secretary of the Commission must necessarily come from Sarawak,
Sabah and Semenanjung on three annually rotating basis. This is to
ensure that a fair and equitable representation is created and shown
to the people of Maalaysia that the two eastern states are not
permanently marginalized. politically and administratively.Sabah and
Sarawak does not joint Malaysia but FORMED the Malaysian nation.The
new generation demands this right.
8. Members of NGOS and Oppositon Parties should also be invited to
sit as members of the commission and if the Commission Act is
restrictive on the appointment, it should be amended.This is one of
the ways to eradicate apparent biases.
9. The permanent nature of Military registered voters presence in
certain specific marginal constituencies must also be rectified
because the permanent nature in term of total number of registered
voters allowed to vote from that specified areas at every election
gave rise to fraudulent image
because some of the military personnel may have been retired or
transferred some where else while the numbers of the registered voters
remain static or even increased.
10. The committee should also looked seriously at the rights of
absentee, nor domicile voters be they are students or ordinary
citizens working over seas, to be incorporated into the new proposal
to be given the right to vote through postal means to ensure that
every citizen is not denied their democratic right.The allegation that
non citizen have acquired voting rights should also be rectified
especially through the new registering exercises undertaken by the
Government in respect of foreign workers.
11. The election commission must be made fully responsible for any
electoral fraud taking place in future and members should be honorable
enough to resign once such incident takes happens. Thank you.
From Dato Salleh Jafaruddin.
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