Friday, 24 June 2011

liar ingrossed

As a professional trickster,long known as con man of the year,unhesitatingly plotting to usurp power, collaterally engineered the overthrowing of the first Iban chief minister.

Born as a destitute Melanau family,an illiterate father working with Shell in Miri,residing in shell quarter near jalan Permai Suri,exceptionally bright and intelligent ended him in Adelaide University.

Contemporaries admired and praised initial success,contributed by Tun Rahman who cared and raised,family members left in distress,gratitude ignored and displaced in disgrace.

Cornered between love and hate,uncle and nephew elbowed in political haste,originally intended to control existing damage, impassioned by politic of development for the State.

Open feud ruled the year,the infamous Ming Court Affair ended for ever,winners clammed all motives sinister,in vain losers fled under endless threat of the Great Boaster.

Ushered in through majority support in the Chamber,He controls State Assets on and under,by any means acquired do not matter most,now every thing gone and loss.

The right to inquire restricted, in the current dewan session it started,standing orders arbitrary thwarted,liars persist democracy evicted by Honorable members elected.

Woes befall new generations, new NCR land legislated,without any amendments in deliberations,to further enlist liar,s own interests and profits fully gated unabated.

Liars are insects of prey,similar to special specie known as "cock liar", attacking most ears not in display, detectable only by imported electronic drier.

Costly is the instrument, affordable and open for sale to rich and eminent, under prescription by renown specialist,once the aliments are taken out of "triad twist".

Secrecy will remain until stained,up and down the country public rigging loud and clear, continuous and persisting efforts remove the liar,concerted people power can achieve change.

Restrain not our urges to mobilize,rural and urban must be vocal and energetic,to sing the same common tune through melodramatic voice,to bring the liar down and make him paralyze.

Sorrow will be our hearts,should we ignore misdeeds under liars loins,known and watched by millions, spontaneous respond of wittiest and smarts.

Go, my friends go to deliver the message,corrupt liars who ravage and damage our country's image,open denial is public acceptance,from past examples found in abundance.

Press for time and pressure, under steam of modern electronic cooker,can be purchased from any retail shops down under,to steam the crooked liar.

Be committed all justice lover, take not country's law to protect the exposed liar, search your soul and say your prayer,betray not the trust of Our Giver.

Sincerity is  pride dear,coming from clean hearts that seldom weaver,trained and nature-d under strict guidance of devout Ulama,Christian and Buddha,employed to marshal our energies to eliminate the LIAR.

No gratitude is owed to hypocrite and liar, my friend,nothing sinister motivates to move and steer,natural death may come sooner than latter,apathy invites in action regret when known danger exists for ever.

Liars are well trained and seldom repaint, their thoughts are engraved with sinful loots and gains, continuously twisting facts and evidence obtained,through greed and lustful desire jointly propagated by cronies and friends.

All will surely meet their end; now today and tomorrow are borrowed time; waiting for no one to clam and place its chain;its swift, fast,exact,chief without having to pay a dime.

In man made dark hole all will rest,the liar,the protester,the rich and the poor; without friends and foes to accompany except to deliver;solemn and sorrow engulf the remaining atmosphere,on the tome stone the name is engraved for ever.

This is real and sure,a lesson learn and ponder by all liasr who squander,the state copper,will fully and willingly kept in private safe dear,in joint names of brother and sister, together will suffer, once Putra Jaya changes power.

DSJ 12.01 @ 24/06/2011.   



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