![]() ![]() ![]() The importance of two East Malaysia States is fading into oblivion.Trash x | ![]()
The two traditional fixed political deposit States of Sabah and Sarawak are currently facing new dimensional relationship problems within BN family.SUPP and SPDP in Sarawak are saddled with new emerging internal problems which can threaten the existence cordial relationship of State BN. The current split with these two partners of State BN can lead to continuing unresolved political problems in the coming PRU 13. This will directly affect the 31 MP seats to be contested by State BN partners. The likely unresolved crisis within these two parties may drag on until the date of PRU 13 is known.Most political pundits predicted that the PRU 13 may be held within six months from now. Judging from the magnitude of these two internal political leadership crisis, there appears to be no immediate available solutions to resolve the current impasse.Under such circumstance, Sarawak BN may not be in an advantage position to effectively contribute to the existing political strength of national BN set up.The prolonged internal State inter-party crisis can contribute to further weakening of State BN strength especially after State Bn dismal loss of majority Chinese based State seats to the opposition in the recent State General Election.This scenario works to the advantage of Pakatan in Sarawak especially with the recent attack by the international media against Pehin Seri Taib and HIS crony corrupt Leadership. The longer the current crisis remain unsolved the worst would be the chance of State BN maintaining the existing MP numerical strength especially in majority non bumi eight voting constituencies in major towns.Perhaps three other non Muslim MP seats may also be directly affected by this current political upheaval.Most educated voters in Sarawak of all races predict that around 12 to 15 MP seats would likely be won by the opposition assuming PBB political influence remains intact as the backbone of State BN. However, PBB internal squabbles regarding candidates for PRU 13 may also affect and contribute to worsening the existing internally generated political impasse with in State BN. State leadership will be facing the worst possible deli-ma since independence with out UMNO influence as the backbone. Sabah BN set up is not that all rosy.The four Muslim factions need to be addressed carefully. The factions involved Musa,Salleh Syed Keruak and Anipah; Ghafoor Salleh,Datuk Lazim and Mokhtar Radin and Shaffie Afdal,Karim Bujang and Hajiji is another and the other faction is Datuk Seri Ususukam and the former Usno leaders of Baju Suluk together with some non Muslim bumi MPs who are alligned with Tengku Razaleigh under AMANAH outfit. Sabah politics have always been fraught with squabbles every end of a decade. Since Datuk Musa Aman became Chief Minster after the end of rotation system, intra party quarrels have recently weaken the State Coalition.Direct conflict between Musa and Mr. Chongely Kah Kit on religious issue is an open secret.Musa also tried to alienate Shaffie Afdal and the gang. His recent move by appointing Salleh Syed Keruak as speaker is also contentious issue.in Sabah. The Bajau Suluk nationalistic feeling is mounting especially against the economic dominance of the Pakistani group of minority in Sabah politic.The spirit to revive USNO is gaining momentum among the Bajau Suluk votrers currently led by Shafie AfdaL and Datuk Ususukam. The news of Musa's move to bring his bother HANIFAH AMAN back to suceed him added salt to the current politically induced racial wounds.The Brunei and the the Bisayas group i.e Karim Bujang and Datuk Lazim are not infavour of Musa continuing to helm the State Umno leadership.Musa's unsolved financial scandalous affairs in Hongkong is a continual liability for BN and Sabah leadership.Time is running out for the Federal leadership to take drastic measures to address the issue effectively. The brewing undercurrent political discontents within UMNO and intra party of BN setup could not possible be amicably resolved under the current situation.The magnitude of the political problems faced by Sabah BN leadership could not possible be solved before this PRU 13.Hence Sabah MP seats may be drastically reduced to around half. This does not seem promising for the national BN strength especially if you take the over all result with Sarawak performance as predicted earlier.The overall position of national position is precariously dangerous. What are the formula for federal leadership under Dato Seri Najib to ensure that Putra Jaya will still remain in BN control after PRU 13 ? There are three major and pertinent issue which should be looked seriously and immediately by the Putra Jaya leadership. First the PM must immediately try to solidify bumiputra support to BN in Sabah and Sarawak by extending new economic benefits through increasing the percentage of Petronas equity. Petronas management structure must reflect a truly representative PARTICIPATION by the two contribution states. Secondly, HE must be daring and bold enough to take immediate action against his cabinet colleagues who are publicly known to be involved in corruption and scandalous acts without any further hesitation to show that he is sincere and committed to weed off bad elements within the administration. Thirdly, He should request his minister of consumer affairs to devise an economic model to immediately curb the spiraling and uncontrollable increase of essential commodities prices which was invariably caused by the financial windfall gift of five hundred per per person earning below 3000 ringgit and the 100 rm for each student.This counter productive effects of that unthinkable move defeat the very purposes of the main aim for which the economic formula was originally aiming to achieve.This scenario only indicated that the program is not well-thought. Fourthly, Pm should not be so over committed to extend new and extraordinary financial commitment especially on bursaries and scholarships to the ungrateful communities who are known to be anti BN irrespective of whether they are helped of neglected. Indications point to one clear sign that they will not vote for the BN government. Fifthly, the PM must necessarily increase the numbers of religious trained leadership into his incoming choice of candidates to counter the impressive influence of pas especially in predominantly Malay/Muslim constituencies.The current religious leaders in Bn are not effective or at least does not seem to show any improvement in posing an influential Islamic image of the administration in spite of its massive propaganda.To counter and win over PAS current supporters BN must necessarily employed quality Islamic leadership into the system immediately not merely by rhetoric.The present minster of religious affairs has not done much to improve the BN Islamic image.The strength is grossly in sufficient. Merely concentrating on the potential support of younger intellectually secular generation without taking into serious consideration on the seriousness and effective contribution of Islamic religious flavor into the system may end up in failure and political frustration.Quality reigious flavor must be built as the major base support of the one Malaysia Policy to ensure material and spiritual success of the developed nation. Purely secularism does not and will not stand the test of time because image of FOAM can easily be destroyed by the waves caused by inclement and stormy political weather.In this respect PAK LAH ISLAM HIDARI should necessarily be reengaded and improvised seriously to give essence to the Islamic Development of One Malaysia. by dsj.23/12/2011 8.18 aam. |
Monday, 26 December 2011
fixed depoit
Friday, 2 December 2011
Indah nya angka satu
![]() ![]() ![]() Apa keindahan angka 11/11/11 ?![]() ![]()
indahnya angka satu ! 11/11 bermula lah impian ku untuk menudbuh sebuah sekolah Tafiz satu Malaysia, Di atas sebidang tanah leuasnya delapan eka, Terletaknya luar kawasan bandar kota, Yang senang dikunjung para ibu bapa, Punya anak anak mempelajari ilmu kuni memasoki surga, Menerusi penghafalan keindaahan Alquran yang terpaling mulia, Di itkiraf ahli fukara ter kenal di seluruh dunia, Tua,muda,miskin kaya tidak kira keturunan dan bangsa, Oh insan yang ter anyiaya, Lurus lah pandangan mu untuk mencari DIA, Di mana saja kau ber ada dan berbicara, DIA tetap melihat dan mendengar ratapan hati dan jiwa, Di waktu waktu pagi atau senja, Di timor,selatan, barat maupun utara, Tiada siapa yang akan terlepas dari pandangan NYA, Walaupun KAU cuba menghilang diri diangkasa, Dia sentiasa mengawal segala tingkah laku manusia, Yang baik,jahat,durjana atau ahli takwa. Kuasa NYA meliputi semua yang ghaib dan nyata. Bagitu lah ketatnya kawalan DIA keatas hambaNYA.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
The recently windfalls award to the school children of rm 100 per individual are considered as the government act of generous charity. But the political social and economic impact is negligible.Admittedly the gift is considered to be a political allurement by the opposition and some political pundits even considered the billions spent to win the hearts and the minds of school children through out the country is putting good money chasing after unethically conducive political and economic causes which is causing unethical drain on the poor copper of the current economy. Although the rationale behind this noble aim may be sincere but immediate political effect is hard to predict because majority of the children are non voters unless pareavailable nts are conclusively influenced through such gesture.
Since the inauguration of the transformation initiation no major signal of changes is forthcoming. Only repeated political rhetorical promises have been
repeated heard to drum public support.No factual evidence is discovered to indicate any economic changes in the country's economic performance.
The latest improved performance indicator is shown by the Selangor State Government when the State copper was fatten up to over one billion ringgit compare to the previous BN performance before 2008 election. Even then the average income of 70 % of the State population is only rm 4000 per month while only 15% earned an average of 30,000 ringgit a month.Other State BN controlled State governments remained static and some even facing an economic decline in the absence of the readily available economic data. Under the present trying economic problems facing the country and the world
the Bn leadership will not have enough time to prove to the voters of the immediate impact of the Government transformation program before the PR 13 election other than trying to splash cash gifts to the public as election baits.How far can the Prime Minster influence the mindset of the voters to the support the BN transformation at this juncture is a matter of conjecture.The continuous criticisms by the opposition and the ngos are weakening the BN
influence through out the country because of administrative attitude and voters indifference.
Transformation can turn into destruction of BN political power in the coming PR 13 because of time constrain to translate the policy into action.Thus Piutra Jaya may fall and the new Government may benefit from the current transformation program.This is a possibility and should not be completely overruled especially with the effective political influence of the opposition four controlled States governments.This will be a complete transformation
of political power from BN to Pakatan in Putra Jaya.
Since the inauguration of the transformation initiation no major signal of changes is forthcoming. Only repeated political rhetorical promises have been
repeated heard to drum public support.No factual evidence is discovered to indicate any economic changes in the country's economic performance.
The latest improved performance indicator is shown by the Selangor State Government when the State copper was fatten up to over one billion ringgit compare to the previous BN performance before 2008 election. Even then the average income of 70 % of the State population is only rm 4000 per month while only 15% earned an average of 30,000 ringgit a month.Other State BN controlled State governments remained static and some even facing an economic decline in the absence of the readily available economic data. Under the present trying economic problems facing the country and the world
the Bn leadership will not have enough time to prove to the voters of the immediate impact of the Government transformation program before the PR 13 election other than trying to splash cash gifts to the public as election baits.How far can the Prime Minster influence the mindset of the voters to the support the BN transformation at this juncture is a matter of conjecture.The continuous criticisms by the opposition and the ngos are weakening the BN
influence through out the country because of administrative attitude and voters indifference.
Transformation can turn into destruction of BN political power in the coming PR 13 because of time constrain to translate the policy into action.Thus Piutra Jaya may fall and the new Government may benefit from the current transformation program.This is a possibility and should not be completely overruled especially with the effective political influence of the opposition four controlled States governments.This will be a complete transformation
of political power from BN to Pakatan in Putra Jaya.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Sadness and Happiness are two sides of the same coin of life.
None can escape from their regular visits.Most of the times they
come uninvited. They often caused extreme depression and
tranquility.Both never established an abode of permanency.They
are essentially elusive. The more you chase after them the less
they appear.Their appearance some times can be costly and at
times can be destructive.
This shows that nothing is everlasting in life.
What come up must necessarily go down.This natural feature
of life must be rightly acknowledged and recognized without much
questions or arguments.A search for the truth to help reconcile its
relationship is an arduous and continuous one accompanied with
endless challenges and tribulations along the way.Success can
only be achieved through concerted effort and untiring determination.
Wayward and wayfarers will failed along the way.Humbleness
patience and sincerity of purpose are the key elements to help us reconcile
the two icons.The new rule is not to work hard but to work smart.Smart in
distinguishing between truth and falsehood.The key to open their doors are
by means of applying intelligent minds committed to address any impending
problems caused and brought about by these tow icons.
Knowledge and experience are the most essential elements to achieve
reconciliation needed.So every one must race hard to search for knowledge
to emancipate our minds from any farther and permanent grip of ignorance.
Although the out dated theory that IGNORANCE IS BLISS;
it has nevertheless inundated human feeling with complete submission.
We must wake up from our deep and long slumber of ignorance.There is no shame
in not being able to get the truth of reconciliation. The shame lies
in perpetuating
to hide the truth due to ignorance.Therefore try to acquire knowledge
to achieve the
truth of reconciliation. Knowledge opens new food gates of
opportunities and keys to
human success.Success is not in never failing, but must be able to
rise up every time you fall.
Jaf: 26/11/2011 @ 12.15 pm KL.
None can escape from their regular visits.Most of the times they
come uninvited. They often caused extreme depression and
tranquility.Both never established an abode of permanency.They
are essentially elusive. The more you chase after them the less
they appear.Their appearance some times can be costly and at
times can be destructive.
This shows that nothing is everlasting in life.
What come up must necessarily go down.This natural feature
of life must be rightly acknowledged and recognized without much
questions or arguments.A search for the truth to help reconcile its
relationship is an arduous and continuous one accompanied with
endless challenges and tribulations along the way.Success can
only be achieved through concerted effort and untiring determination.
Wayward and wayfarers will failed along the way.Humbleness
patience and sincerity of purpose are the key elements to help us reconcile
the two icons.The new rule is not to work hard but to work smart.Smart in
distinguishing between truth and falsehood.The key to open their doors are
by means of applying intelligent minds committed to address any impending
problems caused and brought about by these tow icons.
Knowledge and experience are the most essential elements to achieve
reconciliation needed.So every one must race hard to search for knowledge
to emancipate our minds from any farther and permanent grip of ignorance.
Although the out dated theory that IGNORANCE IS BLISS;
it has nevertheless inundated human feeling with complete submission.
We must wake up from our deep and long slumber of ignorance.There is no shame
in not being able to get the truth of reconciliation. The shame lies
in perpetuating
to hide the truth due to ignorance.Therefore try to acquire knowledge
to achieve the
truth of reconciliation. Knowledge opens new food gates of
opportunities and keys to
human success.Success is not in never failing, but must be able to
rise up every time you fall.
Jaf: 26/11/2011 @ 12.15 pm KL.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
comment of electoral process
Inbox X
![]() ![]() |
| Nov 17 (4 days ago) |

| show details Nov 17 (4 days ago) |
suggestions how to improve
electoral process.
There are few fundamental reformation to be implement with regard to
improving the set up of election commission it self .
1. Its structure in term of composition of members.
2. In term of its transparency and direct involvement in its
relationship with political parties both from the government and
opposition fronts.
3. The ever increasing roles and concerned of the NGOS in political
affairs of the nation must be taken into consideration..
4. We must look at the democratic rights of non domicile malaysian
citizens to exercise their voting rights during any election.
5. The military voters which have been permanently registered in
strategic areas must necessarily be revised and be improvised to
reflect the ingenuity of the postal voters registered in that
specified constituency.
6. The allegations that undi hantu/noncitizen voters are illegally
exercising their political rights must be rectified immediately and
must be done thorough micro electronic registering approaches in
every constituency throughout the country.
7. To effectively implement this new transparent modes operand i based
on equitable joint responsibility, the Chairman,Deputy Chairman and
the Secretary of the Commission must necessarily come from Sarawak,
Sabah and Semenanjung on three annually rotating basis. This is to
ensure that a fair and equitable representation is created and shown
to the people of Maalaysia that the two eastern states are not
permanently marginalized. politically and administratively.Sabah and
Sarawak does not joint Malaysia but FORMED the Malaysian nation.The
new generation demands this right.
8. Members of NGOS and Oppositon Parties should also be invited to
sit as members of the commission and if the Commission Act is
restrictive on the appointment, it should be amended.This is one of
the ways to eradicate apparent biases.
9. The permanent nature of Military registered voters presence in
certain specific marginal constituencies must also be rectified
because the permanent nature in term of total number of registered
voters allowed to vote from that specified areas at every election
gave rise to fraudulent image
because some of the military personnel may have been retired or
transferred some where else while the numbers of the registered voters
remain static or even increased.
10. The committee should also looked seriously at the rights of
absentee, nor domicile voters be they are students or ordinary
citizens working over seas, to be incorporated into the new proposal
to be given the right to vote through postal means to ensure that
every citizen is not denied their democratic right.The allegation that
non citizen have acquired voting rights should also be rectified
especially through the new registering exercises undertaken by the
Government in respect of foreign workers.
11. The election commission must be made fully responsible for any
electoral fraud taking place in future and members should be honorable
enough to resign once such incident takes happens. Thank you.
From Dato Salleh Jafaruddin.
electoral process.
There are few fundamental reformation to be implement with regard to
improving the set up of election commission it self .
1. Its structure in term of composition of members.
2. In term of its transparency and direct involvement in its
relationship with political parties both from the government and
opposition fronts.
3. The ever increasing roles and concerned of the NGOS in political
affairs of the nation must be taken into consideration..
4. We must look at the democratic rights of non domicile malaysian
citizens to exercise their voting rights during any election.
5. The military voters which have been permanently registered in
strategic areas must necessarily be revised and be improvised to
reflect the ingenuity of the postal voters registered in that
specified constituency.
6. The allegations that undi hantu/noncitizen voters are illegally
exercising their political rights must be rectified immediately and
must be done thorough micro electronic registering approaches in
every constituency throughout the country.
7. To effectively implement this new transparent modes operand i based
on equitable joint responsibility, the Chairman,Deputy Chairman and
the Secretary of the Commission must necessarily come from Sarawak,
Sabah and Semenanjung on three annually rotating basis. This is to
ensure that a fair and equitable representation is created and shown
to the people of Maalaysia that the two eastern states are not
permanently marginalized. politically and administratively.Sabah and
Sarawak does not joint Malaysia but FORMED the Malaysian nation.The
new generation demands this right.
8. Members of NGOS and Oppositon Parties should also be invited to
sit as members of the commission and if the Commission Act is
restrictive on the appointment, it should be amended.This is one of
the ways to eradicate apparent biases.
9. The permanent nature of Military registered voters presence in
certain specific marginal constituencies must also be rectified
because the permanent nature in term of total number of registered
voters allowed to vote from that specified areas at every election
gave rise to fraudulent image
because some of the military personnel may have been retired or
transferred some where else while the numbers of the registered voters
remain static or even increased.
10. The committee should also looked seriously at the rights of
absentee, nor domicile voters be they are students or ordinary
citizens working over seas, to be incorporated into the new proposal
to be given the right to vote through postal means to ensure that
every citizen is not denied their democratic right.The allegation that
non citizen have acquired voting rights should also be rectified
especially through the new registering exercises undertaken by the
Government in respect of foreign workers.
11. The election commission must be made fully responsible for any
electoral fraud taking place in future and members should be honorable
enough to resign once such incident takes happens. Thank you.
From Dato Salleh Jafaruddin.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
process pembersihan --3
Process pembersihan jiwa dan jasad ada lah usaha berterusan dan
berperinkgkat peringkat bermulai dari peringkat mencapi akil balirgh
hingga kewatku menjelang menuju keliang lahad.
Bagitu lah ketatnya tuntutan yang perlu diusaha manusia yang inginkan
KEMULIAN dari segi presipsi dan nilai Islam.Model yang teragong ia lah
tauladan Rasullah s.a.w.sendiri.
Anda akan bertanya apakah ciri-ciri menunjukkan bahwa anda telah
mencapai tahaf kebersihan yang di perlu?
Ujian pertama ia lah menerusi keupayaan dan kebolihan mengembalikan
ingatan terhadap butir butir dan fakta kenyataan yang telah di
pelajari dahulu dan saterusnya dapat mengulung kembali dengan fasih
semua ingatan sama ada menerusi percakapan atau hafalan.ayat ayat
alquran yang telah di selidiki.
Kedua ia lah menerusi hafalan ayat ayat Alquran secara berkelumpuk
atau persendirian dan dalam waktu yang tertenmengambil langkahtu ia
bolih memperkatkkan sekuranag kurangnya 100% hafalan dengan lancar.
Ketiga ia lah anda berkeupayaan melihat dengan mata hati yang terbuka
segala "hafalan presipsi spiritual" sebagaimana oraang buta mata bolih
menghafal ayat ayat Alquran tanpa melihat.
Pendakatan untuk mencapai peringkat ini ia lah menerusi pegangan
akidah yang ketat dan menebalkan keimanan dengan cara membaca Alquran
tiap tiap hari dan berterusan dan menjaukan diri dari perkara bidaah
dan shyirik serta dosa kecil atau besar.
Keempat bersedia mengambil langkah untuk bertaubat nasuha dan menutup
semua jalan yang mengundang kearah niat atau perbuatan maksiat yang
berjumlah 613 di sebut dalam Alquran.
Kelima hendak lah bersegra memuhun keampunan kepada Allah di atas
semua dosa dan kesilipan yang telah lalu dan ber ikrar tidak akan
melaku untuk selama lama.
Keenam hendak lah mengerjakan amalan tambahan ia itu mendirikan salat
tahjud pada waktu malam secara berterusan agar dapat mengangkat
darjat/makam yang terpuji. Ini lah amalan yang di perintah Allah
kepada Nabi-nabi sebelum Rasullah dan kepada Rasullah dan para sahabat
nya sampai ke hari ini.
Ketujuh anda perlu membaca di antara 10,100 dan 1000 ayat Alquran tiap
tiap hari dan pada tiap malam jumaat anda digalak untuk sembahyang
sunat hafizul alquran dengan menguna empt surah hafalan ia itu surah
Sajadah (32),Surah Yaasin(36), Surah Adukhan(44), Surah Almulk (67).
perbanyak kan zikir,tasbih dan salawat serta mengutamakan kebersihan
pakayan,makanan dan tempat mengerjakan ibadah dengan itikad yang
ikhlas kerana Allah bukan kerana riak atau minta kepujian umum.
Ke delapan anda hendaklan sentiasa mempertingkatkan nilai kesabaran
supaya anda mencapai status lebih baik dari kesabaran musuh agar anda
mendapat TUFLIHUN, ia itu kejayaan dunia dan akhirat Insha Allah. Sila
rujuk ayat 200- Surah Alimran(3).Itu lah sebahagian kecil dari
intasari yang di kehendaki untuk mencapai dan menentu kebersihan
jiwa.Kesimpulan nya ia lah anda di galak supaya bermunajat dan
beristiqamah untuk "ber khalwat dengan Allah" dikala susah atau senang
dan bersedia menempuh segala cabaran yang akan di lalui sewaktu
berjihad menentang musuh yang nyata atau ghaib.Kejayaan bukan ber erti
tanpa kekalahan tetapi kita mesti sanggup dan bersedia bangun
tiap-tiap kali kita menempuh kegagalan.
Salam dari dsj........bersambung.....
4/11/2011 @ 12.20 pm. Jumaat
berperinkgkat peringkat bermulai dari peringkat mencapi akil balirgh
hingga kewatku menjelang menuju keliang lahad.
Bagitu lah ketatnya tuntutan yang perlu diusaha manusia yang inginkan
KEMULIAN dari segi presipsi dan nilai Islam.Model yang teragong ia lah
tauladan Rasullah s.a.w.sendiri.
Anda akan bertanya apakah ciri-ciri menunjukkan bahwa anda telah
mencapai tahaf kebersihan yang di perlu?
Ujian pertama ia lah menerusi keupayaan dan kebolihan mengembalikan
ingatan terhadap butir butir dan fakta kenyataan yang telah di
pelajari dahulu dan saterusnya dapat mengulung kembali dengan fasih
semua ingatan sama ada menerusi percakapan atau hafalan.ayat ayat
alquran yang telah di selidiki.
Kedua ia lah menerusi hafalan ayat ayat Alquran secara berkelumpuk
atau persendirian dan dalam waktu yang tertenmengambil langkahtu ia
bolih memperkatkkan sekuranag kurangnya 100% hafalan dengan lancar.
Ketiga ia lah anda berkeupayaan melihat dengan mata hati yang terbuka
segala "hafalan presipsi spiritual" sebagaimana oraang buta mata bolih
menghafal ayat ayat Alquran tanpa melihat.
Pendakatan untuk mencapai peringkat ini ia lah menerusi pegangan
akidah yang ketat dan menebalkan keimanan dengan cara membaca Alquran
tiap tiap hari dan berterusan dan menjaukan diri dari perkara bidaah
dan shyirik serta dosa kecil atau besar.
Keempat bersedia mengambil langkah untuk bertaubat nasuha dan menutup
semua jalan yang mengundang kearah niat atau perbuatan maksiat yang
berjumlah 613 di sebut dalam Alquran.
Kelima hendak lah bersegra memuhun keampunan kepada Allah di atas
semua dosa dan kesilipan yang telah lalu dan ber ikrar tidak akan
melaku untuk selama lama.
Keenam hendak lah mengerjakan amalan tambahan ia itu mendirikan salat
tahjud pada waktu malam secara berterusan agar dapat mengangkat
darjat/makam yang terpuji. Ini lah amalan yang di perintah Allah
kepada Nabi-nabi sebelum Rasullah dan kepada Rasullah dan para sahabat
nya sampai ke hari ini.
Ketujuh anda perlu membaca di antara 10,100 dan 1000 ayat Alquran tiap
tiap hari dan pada tiap malam jumaat anda digalak untuk sembahyang
sunat hafizul alquran dengan menguna empt surah hafalan ia itu surah
Sajadah (32),Surah Yaasin(36), Surah Adukhan(44), Surah Almulk (67).
perbanyak kan zikir,tasbih dan salawat serta mengutamakan kebersihan
pakayan,makanan dan tempat mengerjakan ibadah dengan itikad yang
ikhlas kerana Allah bukan kerana riak atau minta kepujian umum.
Ke delapan anda hendaklan sentiasa mempertingkatkan nilai kesabaran
supaya anda mencapai status lebih baik dari kesabaran musuh agar anda
mendapat TUFLIHUN, ia itu kejayaan dunia dan akhirat Insha Allah. Sila
rujuk ayat 200- Surah Alimran(3).Itu lah sebahagian kecil dari
intasari yang di kehendaki untuk mencapai dan menentu kebersihan
jiwa.Kesimpulan nya ia lah anda di galak supaya bermunajat dan
beristiqamah untuk "ber khalwat dengan Allah" dikala susah atau senang
dan bersedia menempuh segala cabaran yang akan di lalui sewaktu
berjihad menentang musuh yang nyata atau ghaib.Kejayaan bukan ber erti
tanpa kekalahan tetapi kita mesti sanggup dan bersedia bangun
tiap-tiap kali kita menempuh kegagalan.
Salam dari dsj........bersambung.....
4/11/2011 @ 12.20 pm. Jumaat
Monday, 31 October 2011
process ppembersihan jiwa
Seharusnya manusia tidak perlu menjalani process pembersihan kerana manusia adalah mahklok yang dijadi Allah dengan cukup sifat yang mulia dan bersih. Sila rujuk ayat 3 Surah At Tiin (95)."Sesungguhnya kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya (dan berkelengakapana sesuai dengan keadaannya).
Apa yang mengoturi manusia ia lah nafsu lauwamah disalah gunakan kerana di pengerohi shyitan untuk mencapai niat tamak haloba kerana mengutamakan keindihan dunia daripada akhirat.
Manusia amat terpengaruh kepada hakal yakin secara mutlak bukan sebaliknya hakiki.Sepatutnya hakal yakin didasarkan dengan unsur ilmulyakin supaya intasari hakal yakin yang mutlak dan hakiki dapat mempengaruhi manusia memperkuat kan kepercayaan dan menebalkan keimanan kepada perkara yang ghraib yang banyak sekali termaktub dalam perintah Allah dalam Alquran.
Pertembongan di antara pengaruh jiwa bersih dan kotor sering mengawal keputusan yang luar dari keupayan akal untuk menentukan yang terbaik lantaran kekurangan dan kelemahan sifat sifat dan unsur unsur keyakinan yang kita kupaskan di awal rencana ini.
Jadi apakah resipi yang patut kita sediakan untuk sentiasa berada dalam keadaan mulia dan bersih bagii jasad dan roh?
Untuk mengawal jasad kita perlu sediakan baju TAKWA sambil untuk makanan roh kita perlu mencari dan sediakan rezki yang baik dan halal.
Kedua dua unsur ini hendak lah di dasar kan atas landasanTAUHID yang mutlak dan hakiki dengan niat dan tujuan hidup untuk mendapat keredaan dan rahmat Allah semata mata atas hakul yakin yang kita akan bertemu dan menjadi tetamu Allah di akhirat nanti.
Rumusan yang amat di utamakan dalam menjalankan setiap perkerajaan sama ada praktikal atau spiritual ada lah NIAT sesuai dengan kehandak hadith Rasullah yang menyarankan bahawa tiap tiap perkerajaan hendak lah di mulaikan dengan niat.
Satelah niat yang di ekori dan didampingi dengan sifat ikhlas sudah di materi dalam jiwa baru lah kita bersegra menunai kan hasrat untuk melakukan tanpa lengah atau bertangguh lantaran sifat kemalasan, ia itu dengan sifat tidask ikhlas.Olih itu Rasullah sentiasa berdoa muga muga kalbunya tidak di hingapi sikap tidak ikhlas."Allah humainni a auzubi qalban la yakshs".
Sikap penyesalan terhadap perbuatan yang sia sia atau dosa yang telah berlalu hendak lah menjadi dorongan yang akan mengilhamkan jiwa perlumbaan untuk mememperolihi keampunan Allah serta petunjuk agar tidak terjebak kembali kedalam kanchahah pertembongan diantara jalan maksiat dan takwa.
Olih itu kita disaran Allah dalam ayat 133 dan 134 surah Alimran supaya BERSEGERA menuntun kejalan margfirah (keampunan) yang telah di sediakan untuk mereka yang di rindu Allah di dunia dan akhirat.Dalam ayat 134 ini terkandung sifat sifat takwa yang paling tinggi yang di rindui Allah: ia itu sifat bersegera, sifat suka membantu dan bersedekah di waktu susuah dan senang, sikap pemaaf hatta terhadap mereka yang pernah menzalami kita.
Kita juga di saran untuk menulung orang miskin anak anak yatim,orang yang tertawan olih keadaan dengan tujuan hanya dan kerana Allah bukan untuk mendapat balasan atau pujian saperti terdapat dalam arahan Allah dalam surah Al Insaan (76 ) ayat 8 dan 9.
Kesemua unsur dan bahan bantuan yang kita hulur kepada mereka sebagai sedekah atau nafkah hendak lah diperolihi dari punca rezeki yang baik dan halal dan apa yang kamu sayangi.
Bagitulah intisari yang mesti kita awasi dan kawal dalam cita cita kita mengelengara niat dan menyegerakan usaha kita untuk mendapat magfirah Allah secara hakiki sesuai dengan tuntutan Alquran dan Hadith. Itu lah tuntutan yang telah di sempurna Allah untuk seluruh alam semasta seperti yang termktub dalam surah Almaidah ayat.........: Hari in telah ku sempurna kan Islam untuk ugama mu". dan hadith Rasullah juga menyatkan dengan
tegas bahwa siapa yang berpandukan dengan Alquran dan hadith Rasullah dia tidak akan sesat dalam perjalan hidupnya untuk selama lama nya."
Tuntutan ini kita perlu gunakan ilmulyakin untuk memantapkan keimanan kita kepada selaga perintah Allah dalam kitab suci Alquran nul karim.
Alquran ada lah bacaan dan kitab suci yang paling mulia. Tidak di galak menyentuh Alquran tanpa tahara atau ber suci.
Dalam ayat 29 surah al fathir Allah menuntut kita supaya selalu membaca Alquran dan mendirikan sembahyang dan menafkah kan rezeki secara senyap atau terang untuk mengharapkan perdangan yang tidak akan rugi.Dalam ayat ini kita diperingatkan bahwa modal untuk berdagan dengan Allah ada lah membaca alquran,memahami,mengunakan ia sebagai penerangan dan petunjuk untuk merapatkan hubungan dengan Allah(habloon minar lah)Apa bila kita sudah ada hubungan dengan Allah kita sudah berada berdekatan dengan DIA sesuai dengan perintah nya dalam Alquran ayat 186 surah albaquarah.Kebenaran urutan ayat ayat alquran yang baru kita kupaskan menunjukkan bahwa firman Allah ada lah benar dan akan berlaku sekiranya kita rela mnegimami kebenaran sifat ilmul yakin,inul yakin dan hakal yakin.Mereka yang dekat dengan Allah sesudah semestinya
akan sentiasa dirindunya kerana DIA kenal dengan yang di rinduinya sesuai dengan kata bidalan "tak kenal maka tak cinta".Sifat yang akan mengundang kita kedapa keikrabaan kepada Allah ia lah nilai mulia,bersih dan takwa sebah Roh manusia datang dari Allah bagitu juga Alquran adal lah katakata Allah yang paling mulia di wahyu mealaikat Jibril kepada Rasullah. Rasullah ada lah insan yang termulia dan terpuji dari segi akidah dan perbuatan yang telah menjadi teladan seluruh umat manusia.Akhlak yang mulia,bersih dan terpuji ada lah yang sangat sangat di ridui Allah.
bersambung ...jaf 1/11/2011.
Apa yang mengoturi manusia ia lah nafsu lauwamah disalah gunakan kerana di pengerohi shyitan untuk mencapai niat tamak haloba kerana mengutamakan keindihan dunia daripada akhirat.
Manusia amat terpengaruh kepada hakal yakin secara mutlak bukan sebaliknya hakiki.Sepatutnya hakal yakin didasarkan dengan unsur ilmulyakin supaya intasari hakal yakin yang mutlak dan hakiki dapat mempengaruhi manusia memperkuat kan kepercayaan dan menebalkan keimanan kepada perkara yang ghraib yang banyak sekali termaktub dalam perintah Allah dalam Alquran.
Pertembongan di antara pengaruh jiwa bersih dan kotor sering mengawal keputusan yang luar dari keupayan akal untuk menentukan yang terbaik lantaran kekurangan dan kelemahan sifat sifat dan unsur unsur keyakinan yang kita kupaskan di awal rencana ini.
Jadi apakah resipi yang patut kita sediakan untuk sentiasa berada dalam keadaan mulia dan bersih bagii jasad dan roh?
Untuk mengawal jasad kita perlu sediakan baju TAKWA sambil untuk makanan roh kita perlu mencari dan sediakan rezki yang baik dan halal.
Kedua dua unsur ini hendak lah di dasar kan atas landasanTAUHID yang mutlak dan hakiki dengan niat dan tujuan hidup untuk mendapat keredaan dan rahmat Allah semata mata atas hakul yakin yang kita akan bertemu dan menjadi tetamu Allah di akhirat nanti.
Rumusan yang amat di utamakan dalam menjalankan setiap perkerajaan sama ada praktikal atau spiritual ada lah NIAT sesuai dengan kehandak hadith Rasullah yang menyarankan bahawa tiap tiap perkerajaan hendak lah di mulaikan dengan niat.
Satelah niat yang di ekori dan didampingi dengan sifat ikhlas sudah di materi dalam jiwa baru lah kita bersegra menunai kan hasrat untuk melakukan tanpa lengah atau bertangguh lantaran sifat kemalasan, ia itu dengan sifat tidask ikhlas.Olih itu Rasullah sentiasa berdoa muga muga kalbunya tidak di hingapi sikap tidak ikhlas."Allah humainni a auzubi qalban la yakshs".
Sikap penyesalan terhadap perbuatan yang sia sia atau dosa yang telah berlalu hendak lah menjadi dorongan yang akan mengilhamkan jiwa perlumbaan untuk mememperolihi keampunan Allah serta petunjuk agar tidak terjebak kembali kedalam kanchahah pertembongan diantara jalan maksiat dan takwa.
Olih itu kita disaran Allah dalam ayat 133 dan 134 surah Alimran supaya BERSEGERA menuntun kejalan margfirah (keampunan) yang telah di sediakan untuk mereka yang di rindu Allah di dunia dan akhirat.Dalam ayat 134 ini terkandung sifat sifat takwa yang paling tinggi yang di rindui Allah: ia itu sifat bersegera, sifat suka membantu dan bersedekah di waktu susuah dan senang, sikap pemaaf hatta terhadap mereka yang pernah menzalami kita.
Kita juga di saran untuk menulung orang miskin anak anak yatim,orang yang tertawan olih keadaan dengan tujuan hanya dan kerana Allah bukan untuk mendapat balasan atau pujian saperti terdapat dalam arahan Allah dalam surah Al Insaan (76 ) ayat 8 dan 9.
Kesemua unsur dan bahan bantuan yang kita hulur kepada mereka sebagai sedekah atau nafkah hendak lah diperolihi dari punca rezeki yang baik dan halal dan apa yang kamu sayangi.
Bagitulah intisari yang mesti kita awasi dan kawal dalam cita cita kita mengelengara niat dan menyegerakan usaha kita untuk mendapat magfirah Allah secara hakiki sesuai dengan tuntutan Alquran dan Hadith. Itu lah tuntutan yang telah di sempurna Allah untuk seluruh alam semasta seperti yang termktub dalam surah Almaidah ayat.........: Hari in telah ku sempurna kan Islam untuk ugama mu". dan hadith Rasullah juga menyatkan dengan
tegas bahwa siapa yang berpandukan dengan Alquran dan hadith Rasullah dia tidak akan sesat dalam perjalan hidupnya untuk selama lama nya."
Tuntutan ini kita perlu gunakan ilmulyakin untuk memantapkan keimanan kita kepada selaga perintah Allah dalam kitab suci Alquran nul karim.
Alquran ada lah bacaan dan kitab suci yang paling mulia. Tidak di galak menyentuh Alquran tanpa tahara atau ber suci.
Dalam ayat 29 surah al fathir Allah menuntut kita supaya selalu membaca Alquran dan mendirikan sembahyang dan menafkah kan rezeki secara senyap atau terang untuk mengharapkan perdangan yang tidak akan rugi.Dalam ayat ini kita diperingatkan bahwa modal untuk berdagan dengan Allah ada lah membaca alquran,memahami,mengunakan ia sebagai penerangan dan petunjuk untuk merapatkan hubungan dengan Allah(habloon minar lah)Apa bila kita sudah ada hubungan dengan Allah kita sudah berada berdekatan dengan DIA sesuai dengan perintah nya dalam Alquran ayat 186 surah albaquarah.Kebenaran urutan ayat ayat alquran yang baru kita kupaskan menunjukkan bahwa firman Allah ada lah benar dan akan berlaku sekiranya kita rela mnegimami kebenaran sifat ilmul yakin,inul yakin dan hakal yakin.Mereka yang dekat dengan Allah sesudah semestinya
akan sentiasa dirindunya kerana DIA kenal dengan yang di rinduinya sesuai dengan kata bidalan "tak kenal maka tak cinta".Sifat yang akan mengundang kita kedapa keikrabaan kepada Allah ia lah nilai mulia,bersih dan takwa sebah Roh manusia datang dari Allah bagitu juga Alquran adal lah katakata Allah yang paling mulia di wahyu mealaikat Jibril kepada Rasullah. Rasullah ada lah insan yang termulia dan terpuji dari segi akidah dan perbuatan yang telah menjadi teladan seluruh umat manusia.Akhlak yang mulia,bersih dan terpuji ada lah yang sangat sangat di ridui Allah.
bersambung ...jaf 1/11/2011.
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