BN is an out dated "Public Allurement".Najib political rhetoric is the sou-less voice of UMNO.Najib has conscience while UMNO has not.Butthe unconscionable UMNO has invariablyinfluenced Najib to the extent that he shamelesslyignored the trapping of UMNO colors troopingtowards agitated path of political destructionin the coming PRU 13.Umno members haveeyes but refuse to see,have ears which cannothear and have hearts devoid of feelings andhave pea brains which refused to think properly.These are evidences of human weakness foundonly in a society of "Ignorance" controlled byexcessive economic greed.Greed is an allurement;a poisonous vile coated with externally attractivetaste of honey; a purposefully manufactureddeceptive truth.In his haste to try to regain public confidence,his strategical approach appears to be extraordinarygenerous by mindlessly distributing more thanfive billion out of the national loot of 26 billion throughBRIM, to the rakyaat. Since the country got independencethis is the first and perhaps the last of suchopportunities ever offered by any authority in thewhole wide world.This must be the benefit ofmodern democracy ala Malaysia.Some punditsconsider that this graceful financial gesture isthe prepared gift of gratitude from him beforeleaving Putra Jaya official residence.Indeed it iscommendable of him to do such an act.Bravo.It is reported that he will be holidaying in Spain.after attending his son graduation in London.Unfortunately on this trip, his Presidential colleagueformer President of France Mr.Shorkazi lost his bidto continue as Fraench President last week againstF. Hollande a socialist.His loss must havepsychologically affected Najib indirectly becauseof the one billion usd commission whichwas discretely exposed by Suhakam inthe internet.Based on the strength of the evidence adducedit is most provable that Najib may be subpoenaedto appear in the french court once this importantcase is on.Even at this stage of investigation hisincidental involvement by way of mention in theinternet has already politically tarnished his imageas the Prime Minister of this country.Morally he mustcome out with some statement as a defensiblestrategic measure to quail the rumor.So far he hasnot done any because he is too preoccupied withthe problems on the home front.Silence can begolden or acquiescence.He has recently engaged gear four of his politicalmachine trying to run faster than the speed of theopposition fronts.He introduced the minimum wagesfor the malaysian workers, increased the civil servicesemulonment ,made various legislative amendmentsto outdated laws but the public response is not forthcoming.84 coalition of NGOs known as BERSIH 3 held successfulrally on 28th April,2012 insisting that the the electoral fraudulentlyprone law must be rectified.The request was not met.Hencethis problem is outstanding.This has become the central themeof the opposition campaign.A new intriguing bad news came to public knowledge that MAShoney moon marriage with Air Asia ended in a economic divorcefollowed by an announcement of rm 2.53 billion ringgit lost incurredin 2011`after recording a profit of 439,000 million in 2009 and 234,000million in 2012.This is the greatest failure of Najib transformationprogram on (ETP) and GLC (Mas) and Hazanah.This is mismanagementof national assets exasperated with undemocratic tyranny of BN regime.This unprecedented exercise coupled with the unsettled PKNZ lossof government fund through constructive fraud have undoubtedlyunleashed unprecedented barrage of "controlled violence" by Bersih 3against the BN administration through peaceful demonstration recently.With such unprecedented huge turn out of the Bersih voluntary supporters,the jittery Najib and his henchmen including the police tried to disintegratethe support by creating many divisions,many wounds,many breakdowns andeven communication jamers to separate and divide fellow Malaysian withthe opposition supporters. BN tires to spoon lies into the mouth of unsuspectingpublic. Concocting lies are shocking information in today's news.The are mostlyadulterated.Not even 10% could be trusted.Therefore voters should beware.Read this article thoughtfully and analyse care fully to understand the currentmess created by BN leaders through the newly invented "Jaming electronic"devices.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Friday, 13 April 2012
Expect the unexpected to happen.
happened.That date coincided with the inauguration of our Malaysian
King at the newly completed Palace costing almost one billion Malaysian
Ringgit.The unexpected was the happening of earth quakes of 8.9 rector
scale off the coast of Acheh, Indonesia about 330km under the sea.In 2004
the tsunami killed almost 300,000 people.One of the worst incident of this
century.This natural catastrhphy was uninvited,unplanned,an unexpected
and unavoidable.But historical evidence confirmed to us beyond any doubt
that we must expect the unexpected to occur any time,any where in life.
42 years ago our same King was inaugurated when Dato Seri Najib's father
the lateTun Abdul Razak Hussein was Prime Minster.How did this event,
which externally appears as a coincidence, happen in one life time.This
unexpected incidence can happen beyond expectation.How does it happen
no scientist nor astrologer can accurately tell or predict ? Only the "unknown
hands" can safely direct, control and avoid the occurrence of the unexpected.
This is infinity and fate.We must have faith them.
In our 49 years of independence we have witnessed many facets of the
unexpected "gruesome and happy incidents" taking place beyond expectation
usually followed by condolences and compliments at the end of these events.
The unexpected can happen to an individual,a group,a building,a country and
leaders of a nation.Why it happens, how it happens and when it is going to
take place no one knows because the unexpected is beyond human perception.
The answers to the "three doubts" could only be known after the incidents when
analyses are completed in the aftermath.They involve future happenings.
The current political enmity between Najib and Annuar was unexpected.Both of
them were great friends and in the same political institution UMNO and they were
fighting using the same nomenclature "Raft" of Rakit to oust the late Ghafar Baba
and Pak Lah as old guard.But today we notice they are fighting to destroy one
another. I believed at the initial stage, both of them never expected that they will
be enemies and the general public also never predict the current situation to happen.
neither do we expect that Annuar and Mahathir would also be bitter enemies.Similar
incident took place between Dr. Mahathir,Tun Musa and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
in 1987 which fight led to the split of UMNO.That was not expected and so was
Mahathir rise to power after he was sacked by Tengku Abdul Rahman from UMNO.
The ever shifting character of this illusive maniac signifies the employment of deceit
and hypocritical traits of an ungratefulness by oppressive recalcitrant of the century.
The first Prime Minster was condemned,the late Harun Idris was despised and Anuar
Ibrahim was unceremoniously dammed.No body expected such action to happen.
After what the BN did to Annuar, no body in UMNO ever thought that he will rise up
again together with her daughter to become MPs. This incident also applies to the
fate of Mr.Lim Kiat Siang and son,Karpal Sing and sons.Against all odds these least
expected episodes happened to the the "three famous political personalities" of the country.
Under the current historical evidences, we must not rule out that in PRU 13,the fall of Putra
Jaya, which is the least expected by BN at this moment, may follow along the line of incidents
of the indicative previous past examples: to expect the unexpected to take place any time.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Our beloved Jihadist Osama ben Laden,may God blessed his soulonce said before he was killed:-"We are approaching a stage where narrow mindedness is a killer".
"Osamaism" is the "new value of generosity of gift of God" to spread an open
ended policy to extend the spiritual power of faith into the world where narrow
mindedness of the infidel against Islam is a killer of Jihadist spirit.Hence Alqeada
being the most popular and respectably feared Islamic Movement must be
exterminated at all cost from this planet.The word Al Queda is a misnomer
which was personally coined by the infidel Bush of America because of his
hatred and narrow mindedness against Saddam Hussein who was alleged
to have plotted to kill his father Bush Senior.
The term Alqueda is not an Islamic-ally appropriate term to describe any
legitimate member of any Islamic Movement on this planet. In fact it was
Bush narrow mindedness that has reached a stage of irreversibly extreme
hatred that made him an instinct killer in Iraq Pakistan and Afghanistan.
This is the first limb of Osama's statement.
Narrow Mindedness can also mean narrow minded followers of Alqeada.
The statement is a double edge information specially coined to arouse the interests
and to cover the essentials of "Islamic faith related jihad" which have hitherto
been misunderstood or its meaning was purposely twisted due to sheer hatreds,
jealousy and ignorance.The effects and counter reactions of prolonged oppression
in the absence of rationally acceptable solution to the impending problems manufactured
through "infidel incubation" naturally and slowly breed feeling and perception of narrow
mindedness.At that stage irresistibly irrational shifting cannibalistic instinct overpower
sanity and reason.Hence killer instinct sets in operation defying conscience.
This is a stage where "infidel killers" who regarded Islam and its adherents as enemies
can be the caused of narrow mindedness. On the other hand the killer could be the jihadist
because of extreme feeling and desire to protect the sanctity of Islamic faith.A Jihadist
is indeed a faith healer who also could be termed as narrow minded in attitude.
Monday, 2 April 2012
![]() ![]() 55. The Grand Finale.
55. The grand finale. usually determine the end.The ending which bring success will always be celebrated in pomp and grandeur to mark it with a test of grand finale.Unsuccessful participants will suffer inhibited distressed and sorrow and will leave the scene without any celebration. that took place at any grand finale. It is an occasional celebration attended by supporters of both sides.Some times when frustration is so great like recent Egyption football riot in Alexandria in March 2012 the grand finale turned out into ugly occasion.In May 1969 the opposition winning celebration turned out into prolonged racial riots which dragged the entire country into an emergency. Parliament was dissolved the law was suspended and the country was ruled and administrated by NOC (National Operation Council) which is ala military.This state of affair was also experienced in Thailand when the civilian government was over thrown by the Military.The former billionaire Prime Minister become a political fugitive.Similar occasions took place in Indonesia and Philippine.In every incident the Government was overthrown.On 24th March.2012,Mali a country which has a population 15.4 million people has just a coupe and the democratically elected President Mr. Amadou Tourmani was overthrown by young military Captain Amadou Sanogo as us trained. It happened just a month before the April proposed general election. Let this dirty incident not happen in our beloved country. But the most dramatic grand finale took place in Myanmar after the League for Democracy led by Mdm. Ang San Suu Kee which won the election but was denied the right to celebrate the winning. Instead she has to suffer imprisonment behind military bar for many years although she was simultaneously conferred Noble Prize, recognizably awarded for her struggle to bring democracy to Myanmar. For the Malaysian Opposition Leader his grand finale was recently observed after he won his sodomy case.He is expected to celebrate another another grand finale after the end of Pru 13 when He is tipped to capture Putra Jaya by ousting the current BN leader.The road to retake Putra Jaya is not closed but thorny and slippery.A stitch in time may save the Capital but a slight negligence by the incumbent can result in complete loss and political destruction of BN rule for ever.The tasks for both parties are enormous and have to be completed with a time limit known only by the beholder of this important decision.Although few hints have been occasionally mentioned, the guessing game becomes an anxiety which can fool everybody.An element of surprise is no more an issue because every one is making preparation for the event. What most political pundits feel uneasy is the likely hood of the the PRU 13 may usher in an expected celebration of the grand finale by the restoration of NOC in the event BN lost badly.A repeat celebration of May 13 1969 must not be overruled.In that event the grand finale will be celebrating the Death of Democracy in the country.God prov-ids. To avoid the "unexpected grand finale" to happen to our country after PRU 13, all political leaders must be rational in their political approaches by trying to restraint from using all combustible sensitivities slogans to win votes.They must be guided by experience and wisdom. True spirit of democracy as shown in 2008 celebrations should be upheld at all cost to show honor and dignity of our monarchial system which we have preserved hitherto to ensure a win win grand finale for all.Good luck for all of us. inspired 27/03/2012 @ 4.10 pm kl. dsj |
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Yang berjalan tanpa disedari,
Itu lah Masa,
Tujuh hari berlari,
Sabtu,Munggu,Ithnin Selasa,
Dua hari kita berpuasa,
Jumaat hari bersara,
Mentaati perinatah Tuhan semesta,
Persedian kealam baqa.
Tiap hari kita melayani,
Perubahan dilalui sendiri,
Tidak diperhati rapi,
Penyesalan tiada erti.
Kekayan kesihatan bertubi tubi,
Prasangka hidup berterusan,
Tertipu Keselesaan membuai,
Cinta dunia tanpa sempadan.
liku liku hidup lama dilupa,
Tertinggal dalam ingatan kesepian,
Detik kesedihan ratapan jiwa,
Dihiasi dengan amalan kepuraraan.
Ujian hidup tiada pilihan,
Kaya miskin sahaluan sazaman,
Tanpa penentu menukar haluan,
Mengusut fikiran dalam kesedaran.
Merdunya suara iman membisek,
Dikeningaan malam sunyi sepi,
Sujud ber khlawat angota mengolek,
Tunduk memmuhun dosa di ampuni.
Demi masa yang terlepas,
Kau terus berlari ramai ketawa,
Waktu muda muka segar tapi malas,
Hati kecil tertumpu pada yang nyata.
Yang nyata itu fana,
Hari ini esok atau lusa,
Hiasilah jiwa mencintai DIA,
Sambil menunggu hari Tua.
Panggilan Ajal tanpa amaran,
Tua Muda pasti mengalami ujian,
Azab kematian telah ditetapkan,
Penyalamat utama ibadah ketakwaan.
Wahai insan tercinta,
Segra lah bangung dari tidor,
Ajal akan memangil tanpa berita,
Bersemadi lah jasad kelamnya kubur.
Ilham DSJ @ 645 pm 31/03/2012 kl.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Phases of unwelcome challenges in our system.
Kuala Lumpur.
This book is a compilation of short articles written overa period of many months and were published in myblog under the caption KUBURKERAMAT.
This is the third books which I attempted to writeand intend to publish simultaneously with the other twounder the titles "Pricking Conscience" and"Muhibah yang belum terjalin".
The contents of this book are arranged in order ofpriorities and dates of inspirations carrying differenttitles and headings which are meant to be interestinglyeasy reading to avoid monotonously thorough and factuallydry detailed analysis.
These selected articles are interspersed with poemsand riddles ingrained with local and current politicalsettings originated directly from my personal inspirationswhich come along the way which I immediately jotteddown as they come into my mind.
They are open and professional comments and criticismsof current political and social events taking place in oursystem.I hope this little contribution can become a sourceof interesting reading material or stimulant to help inducean externally sleepy and tired mind on the way to a reader'sbed at late night especially when are in a sate of disappointment.
Sometimes a disappointment can be transformed into a sourceof new opportunity especially when things do not turn out asyou want them.The effect of disappointment can be stinkingat first but then it can eventually help strengthen your conviction.
Disappointment will bring you face to face with your own weakness.This opportunity will create immediate awareness in you to grow strongerin ways that really count and work.When you are clear about what doesnot work, then you will be closer to understanding what does work.The experience of ineffectiveness will open up floodgates of effectiveness.
This positive value usually come out in a state of disappointment.Therefore treat disappointment as an antidote to create an opportunityto gather new and effective strength into the system.
Hence when you are disappointed with life, take a step back and lookat the positive value in that disappointment.You should find a powerfulreason to be more determined than ever before.Life has its ups and down.But you can choose to benefit from both because success comes fromchoosing the value in whatever way things go.
What ever form of success or disappointment come, life is always supplyingus with the raw materials for fulfillment.Therefore we should make good useof our life surely and steadily in the direction of our dreams; which is ourfuture.
Thank you.Wishing all of you happy reading.
Salleh Jafaruddin.
11/11/2011 Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Sunday, 11 March 2012
| 1:20 PM (22 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Yang jahat ramai,
Yang baik sedikit,
Yang berjaya lalai,
Yang gagal menjerit.
Yang berenang basah,
Yang terbang gelisah,
Yang berjalan lambat
Yang berlari cepat.
Yang mengantuk tidur,
Yang bangun segar,
Yang khayal kendur,
Yang prehatin sedar.
Yang lelah cuai,
Yang cergas cekap,
Yang tekun pandai,
Yang rajin mantap.
Yang malas gagal,
Yang lemah bodek,
Yang dunggu tinggal,
Yang diam cerdik
Yang buruk berbau,
Yang mekar wangi,
Yang tua layu,
Yang muda berani.
Yang botak kental,
Yang berambut kacak,
Yang kurap gatal,
Yang bising katak.
Yang kenyang berak,
Yang lapar marah,
Yang shyirik riak,
Yang rasuah gelisah.
Yang mulia beriman,
Yang kaya berduit,
Yang miskin menjerit,
Yang ikhlas aman.
Yang aman surga.
Yang fana dunia,
Yang patuh selesa
Yang sabar redza.
Yang mati berehat,
Yang baka akhirat.
Yang panas naraka.
Yang ingkar binasa.
ilham dsj 5.47 @ 10/03/2012 kl.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Move to Inbox
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Why this ad? IPSA World Congress 2012 - - World Congress of Political Science Early bird prices end March 12! |
| 5:37 PM (13 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
religiously,politically, economically,socially and culturally
motivated, generally aims to be in number one position.
According to Mao Tze Tung ; " A journey of thousand
miles begins at the first step".First step means step
number one.The time span spreading between the
beginning of step number one and achieving your
ambition to be in position number one constitutes
the actual activities in operation of a long journey
on which experience is actually developed and acquired.
The formula to get there are many and varied depending
on the available choices, orientations, opportunities and options.
The most essential ingredients are health,wealth, training,
discipline,patience and endurance.The other characteristics
are age,qualities,vision, experience,intellectual capacities,
managerial abilities and political acumen.
Indeed a religiously trained mind filled with compassion,
readily forgiving attitude and imbibed with a very committed
sense of dedication and sincerity of purpose in life,
is another appealing "formula One" requirement for the slot.
Based on the above assumptions let us analyse and apportion
our conceptualized judgement against the back ground of the
The incumbent is struggling to retain while the competitor is
trying to recapture the slot after PRU 13.I purposely employed
the word recapture because he was almost there at one time.
Let us now review all the externally known and exposed qualities
of these two personalities which form important contributory factors
as basis of our human judgement in addition to undeniably clear
and final determination of all human plans by the Almighty God
Both are healthy and wealthy in their own right.Both have choices,
orientations, opportunities and options.Both are almost similar
in age,dedication, commitments, visions, intellectual capacities
and managerial abilities.Although both originally emerged from the
same political institution (UMNO) they,however, acquired political
experiences and acumen from diverging sources and options.The
incumbent inherited the ready made political ladder through
expediencies unexpectedly created by unavoidable natural event
in return for contributory gratitude of his late father, the second
Prime Minister of Malaysia.
As a hereditary inheritor of political aristocracy his meteoric rise
to power is smooth,plain and uninhibited. Except for two most
challenging experiences he faced during the UMNO fight between
Dr.Mahathir/Tenguku Razeleigh/ Musa in 1987 during which he threw
his loyalty to DR. Mahathir and the fierce competition for one
Vice Presidents post in UMNO together with the "Raft Team"
under Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim gang against Pak lah, his political
ascendancy right up to now was essentially easy and uncomplicated.
The real test of his political mantle happened after he assumed the
top slot after taking over the country's political administration with
out two third parliamentary majority after 2008 dismal result of BN
losing four States Government.His two immediate challenges are
to secure a two third majority of Parliament and to retain Putra Jaya.
As an aristocrat and having been studying in England most of his
young days, he is very much influenced by western culture and
hence his religious education is very much short of national requirement.
His life style before entering active politic was very much detached from
the ordinary kampong folks of Malaysian society.
Compare with his competitor Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim,his rise to power
was not through bed of roses but sieving in between thorns and bricks
walls guarded with tight security covering and spanning over a three
phases of struggle beginning as university student activist in early sixties
continuing until he headed an Islamic organisation ABIM.He has a short
respite when Dr.Mahathir Mohammad, out of desperation to win back
Muslim supports, he conveniently enlisted him into UMNO where he
cleverly manipulated his position right up to number two position with in
a very short period.In fact he became Najib boss when he was in number
two slot under Mahathir as education and finance minister respectively.
His "open card sincerity and trust" with his boss inclusive of personal social
activities,unfortunately incriminated his past immediate contributions to help
restore his boss Islamic Image among the public.What originally appears as
a minor socially and religiously unacceptable behavior was blown by the entire
media out of proportion as if he has committed the most heinous crime of
the century.This was followed by a serious conspiracy with in UMNO trying
to get him out through sacking and criminal charges of sodomy and abuse of
power.The political process to dethrone him took years until he ended up in
prison and thereafter band him from taking part in political activities for a set
period.Fortunately for him and his supporters and sad for some, Pak Lah
pardoned him and thus his release immediately enhanced his freedom to
restore his image.His disqualification from being a member of Parliament
in Permatang Pauh ushered an opportunity for his wife Dr. Wan Azizih to
replace him by winning the seat in 2004 election.His restriction disqualified
him from standing in 2004 election. How ever once his qualification was restored
after the pardon, he won back his Permatang Pauh MP seat in a by election
against UMNO candidate by obtaining the highest majority ever votes achieved.
No sooner has he won in 2008 and become an official opposition leader, political
hatreds and vengeance of UMNO and BN stalwarts keep on embarrassing him
on his social behavioral activities involving his continued sodomy activity. Again
a continuous two more years he under went the final trauma which ended him
acquitted from the second sodomy charge.The realities of trial and tribulations
faced by Datuk Seri Annuar Ibrahim are lessons which 99% of Malaysian
voters know and thus the daily coverage of his stories in the media both internet
and news papers act as cheap publicity stunt for all to read and comment. Indeed
the incidents increased his personal popularity especially over his patience and
endurance throughout the length of cases.People sympathy turned him into an icon
equating as Mr. "Mandella of Malaysia".
Having associated with him since the university (MU) days in 1966 and in ABIM
and UMNO and now in PKR,I dare say that Annuar is a special breed,rarely
found in this century.Many may not agree with his philosophical and political
activities,one thing which clearly captivated the public interests is his determination,
endurance,patience,discipline and forgiveness.If you compare the experiences
displayed by the two competing personalities,the difference is like "heaven and earth".
One is almost always accompanied by happiness and fulfillment while the other
is besieged with endless agony and disappointment.While the fortunate one enjoys
many ups, the unfortunate is saddled with more downs.The ups and downs are
the raw materials which life supplies to achieve fulfillment or to meet disappointment.
History of Anuar struggle revolved on rich and fertile soil of disappointment.This
stinking experiences, however, should have inherently awakened him to discover the
habitual human "pivotal weaknesses" . That awareness must have provided him
a new source of opportunity to understand and discover positive value in his experience.
He must have looked at his disappointments as a chance to come back stronger and
converted them into fulfillment to achieve excellence: the ultimate and magnificent political
ideal conferred on number one slot of the country.
Excellence is the product of caring attitude of what one does by putting his best effort into
what he care about.It is an inner integrity and a choice with many options.Both of them
may have various level of skills and resources available,but to achieve excellence, they
must carry and move forward with an attitude of passion and commitment,discipline and
patience.It is an investment that continues to generate benefit long after the effort has
been done especially under the auspices of hard earned freedom.
The incumbent has not undergone that frighting and demanding social ideals of freedom.
Annuar has all the trappings.He could have given up his political struggles and turn his
responsibilities and troubles to some one else then. But if he had done that,there would
be nothing left in him now because if he had turned his back on his freedom, he has taken
away the most essential beauty and strength of who he was.
Converting disappointment into an act of excellence is one of the most appealing ideals
that could have influence him to entice young minds through out the country to guide
their lives.The ever changing social evolution keeps on enticing young vibrant minds
with the new positive value of experience cloaked and disguised in expensive disappointment
which Annuar in Malaysia and Nelson Mandela in South Africa exemplified.To achieve
excellence one must be prepared to run out and embrace every opportunity and options
with every thing you have, hoping to get the highest possibilities which are ready to come
magnificently for your effort.
Therefore if some one is prepared to spend time and do the work anyway, they must choose
to do it with excellence because success comes from choosing to find the value in whatever
way things go.Therefore both Najib and Annuar should be more determined to discover for
themselves how disappointments and self pity could be converted into positive energy by
taking a step back and look at the positive values of all the currents disappointments so
that the out come of PRU 13 will be a decidedly empowered day to grab the NUMBER ONE SLOT.
DJS 516 PM @ 09/03/2011 KL.
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